Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Hazards And Hazards Of Occupational Hazards - 1386 Words
Abstract When discussing occupational hazards we focus on physical behavior and physical conditions that may cause environmental damage, loss of production, human injury, and/or property damage. Identifying hazardous environments can be conducted in various ways through task identification and hazards pertaining to the specific tasks. While conducting any type of hazard identification there are several factors that can contaminate the process, for example, welding, painting, cleaning and sanitation in which they would have to be controlled. Recognizing the exposure due to the exposure can be described as equipment, process, people, environment and materials. When performing hazard identification tasks individuals as such, may become involved in mechanical repairs, HVAC upkeep, or building maintenance. Lastly, lack of skills, inappropriate equipment, work conditions and human improper decision-making are all contributors to hazard environment. Environmental hazards caused by inadequate ventila tion, improper care in handling, lighting and congestion due to chemicals are examples of contaminants that cause occupational hazards. Most harm caused by equipment may be due to lack of adequate protective equipment or environment and insufficient training. The design of the building, the air conditioning and HVAC system can cause harm in the work environment inside the building. Having a systematic structure of the source to assist when evaluating the cause of a problem or solution.Show MoreRelatedOccupational Hazards Of The Nursing Profession Essay1296 Words  | 6 Pagesevery field of work, there are a number of occupational hazards that put every individual at risk of harm. In a field where the main objective is to help others become well, these numbers can run exceptionally high. Regardless of the type of facility a nurse may work at, the risks remain prevalent. Many companies--or industries--set forth strict guidelines to be followed to help reduce the risks many people face on a daily basis. When most people think of hazards in the nursing profession, they thinkRead MoreThe Occupational Hazard Of The Coal Mining Industry1211 Words  | 5 Pagesdirectly affected by the intelligibility to afford decent health care. Consequently working class americans are the ones who traditionally are the unhealthiest due to the nature of many of the individuals careers. For example, black lung is known occupational hazard in the coal mining industry. Starting in 1968, there have been 75,000 death contributed to black lung. It was not until 1978 that the coal miners were compensated for sickness and death contributed to black lung disease. The debate on whetherRead MoreThe Occupational Hazard Of The Coal Mining Industry2082 Words  | 9 Pagesdirectly affected by the inability to afford decent health care. Consequently, working-class Americans are the ones who traditionally are the unhealthiest due to the nature of many of the individuals careers. For example, black lung is known occupational hazard in the coal mining industry. There has been 75,000 death contributed to black lung. It was not until 1978 that the coal miners were compensated for sickness and death contributed to black lung disease. According to (Palmer,1999) the debateRead MoreEvaluation And Control Of Environmental Stresses And Occupational Health Hazards Arising From The Workplace1028 Words  | 5 PagesPURPOSE: Establish standard work practices for the recognition, evaluation and control of environmental stresses or occupational health hazards arising from the workplace. SCOPE This procedure applies to the operation of the manufacturing processes located at the Company Name manufacturing facility in Cambridge, Ontario. 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It is a requirement under the law (OSHA and its Regulations);  2. We need to make provisions for securing the safety, health and welfare of our colleagues; 3. We need to make provisions for protecting our clients against risks to safety or health in connectionRead MoreA Short Note On Health And Safety Of The Practice1345 Words  | 6 Pagesracks, coat hangers, fabric boxes and the regular oce stationary and equpitment. The oce has windows- none open. There is an airconditioning machine for cooling and heating. There is a stair case which gives access to the warehouse. WHS GOALS: Hazards in the oce may not always be obvious. Oce workers may also face a range of health and safety issues, including poor job design, prolonged repetitive work, prolonged use of computers- looking at the screen too long, moving heavy loads (boxes, computers)Read MoreOil and Gas Ohs1703 Words  | 7 Pagesextraction workers were fatally injured on the job, resulting in an occupational fatality rate of 29.1 deaths per 100,000 workers – eight times higher than the rate for all U.S. workers. Nearly half of all fatal events in the Oil and Gas extraction industry resulted from highway crashes (29%) and workers struck by objects and equipment (20%). The above alarming incident data clearly emphasizes the need for an effective occupational safety and health management system that integrates safety andRead MoreThe Safety And Health Standards Essay879 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction The occupational safety and health standards ensures the understanding in hazardous communications. The hazardous communications section ensures also the transmission of hazardous materials and chemicals appropriately. The development of hazardous communication is implemented especially in written communication program in order for the employees to apply it in the working environment. This is essential because it serve as the protective measures of the employees in the work place.Read MoreOccupational Medicine And Occupational Health1571 Words  | 7 PagesThe definition of occupational health is a physician specialty focusing on the health and well-being of the individual including the specialty training, testing, and board certification necessary for medical specialists who are dedicated to the areas of the practice of workplace health and wellness. Occupational Health Specialists are required to be expert in understanding the laws and safety standards related to workplace heal th in order to prevent such issues as harmful exposure conditions that
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Essay on Institutional Investors’ Role in Corporate...
Over the past 60 years, capital markets in the US have grown dramatically. For instance, in 1950, the market value of all stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was around $94 billion, and in 2012 the number has increased to more than $14 trillion. (â€Å"Institutional investors: Power and responsibility†, 2013) With this significant increase in the market, it has led to an increasing role for institutional investors. The main issue surrounding institutional investors is whether they should be more or less involved in the companies whose shares they own. When looking at the important roles along with the influence over corporate governance, we can see that institutional investors have an overall positive impact on the company and the†¦show more content†¦Institutional investors can both positively and negatively influence many aspects of a company’s corporate governance by continually monitoring the company operations, exercising their voting power, an d controlling executives pay; all of which will affect whether or not the company is on the right track to success. The market has experienced a drastic growth during the past couple of decades, largely due to institutional investors, and so have the roles and responsibilities that come with it. Institutional investors own such a significant share of individual companies; therefore, they have more incentive to become active in monitoring the company. The trend of a more active role in corporate governance has come about mostly due to the corporate scandals in 2001 and 2002. Institutional investors play such a vital role in corporate governance that they have an organization entitled the Council of Institutional Investors (CII). The CII lays out all of the policies and guidelines that they believe institutional investors should be able to comply with, along with the issues they need to voice their opinion on. In some situations, institutional investors have used their power to influence decisions to replace top management. For example, Fidelity Investments once took control of a corporation by assigning one of its employees as the new CEO in order to turn the company around. In these instances, institutional investors haveShow MoreRelatedCorporate Governance And Role Of Managers1698 Words  | 7 PagesContents INTRODUCTION 1 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND ROLE OF MANAGERS 1 STAKEHOLDERS AND THEIR NEEDS 2 LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT PROCESS 3 DIFFERENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE MODEL AND STRATEGIES 4 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 6 INTRODUCTION This assignment is aiming to identify and critically evaluate the role of institutional investors in gaining better corporate governance. Institutional investors are those organizations, groups of people, families with large pool of money for investment and they systematicallyRead MoreInstitutional Markets : Institutional Investors1505 Words  | 7 PagesInstitutional investors are any organizations or persons which collect quite number sums of money to invest in securities and also control a collection of share amounts to qualify for special treatment and less regulation. They can also include operating companies that decide to invest their profits to some degree in these types of assets. Insurance companies, mutual funds and pension funds are some examples of institutional investors. These institutional investors need to face some regulations.Read MoreInstitutional Markets : Institutional Investors956 Words  | 4 PagesInstitutional investors are any organizations or persons which collect quite number sums of money to invest in securities and also control a collection of share amounts to qualify for special treatment and less regulation. They can also include operating companies that decide to invest their profits to some degree in these types of assets. Insurance companies, mutual funds and pension funds are some examples of institutional investors. These institutional investors need to face some regulations.Read MoreBusiness Board of Directors1466 Words  | 6 Pagesparticular issues like policy making and planning exercises as they are independent and will provide an impartial view. They are appointed on their wide experience, specialist knowledge and personal qualities, so that they can carry out four principal roles: 1. Strategy 2. Performance 3. Risk 4. People (Remuneration) Non-executive directors (NEDS) have a duty to advise, criticise and help the development of strategy. As outsiders to the company the NEDS have a more impartial view of external factors disturbingRead MoreCode Of Conduct Through Their Own Behavior1408 Words  | 6 Pageswavering of provisions of the company s code of ethics relating to conflicts of interest, especially as it applies to executive leadership and their Boards of Directors. Having a strong set of ethics in place by no means does not guarantee one that corporate misconduct will not occur in the workplace however, it is a strong gauge and reminder that there are certain standards that one must follow and at the same time a reminder of what will happen if you deter from them. Just know that just with havingRead MoreShareholder Activism : A Policy Of Vigorous Action Essay1092 Words  | 5 Pagesinvestment, corporate governance and shareholder capitalism. A shareholder can ask firms be sustainable and to comply a good c orporate governance. Smith (1996) states that shareholder activism includes monitoring and attempts to change the firm’s controlling structure that is not pursuing the goal of maximizing the wealth of its shareholders. Generally, shareholder activism relates to shareholder’s rights to participate to a certain level of decision-making, primarily in corporate governance issues.Read MoreCorporate Governance And Corporate Management803 Words  | 4 PagesCorporate Governance Principles Corporate governance is the relationship between many individuals participating in trying to determine the direction and the performance of organizations. Some of the functions of the corporate governance are managing subsidiaries, lobbying, disclosures, corporate policies and procedures. The corporate governance is also responsible for working with investors on a range of governance issues to facilitate and open dialogue between the company and its shareholders. CorporateRead MoreNon-Executive Directors2424 Words  | 10 Pageshis review published in 2003, Derek Higgs described the role of a non-executive director as ‘custodian of the governance process.’ A non-executive director (NED) sits on the board of company just as a normal executive director would do so, however a non-executive director does not form part of the executive management team of the company. Essentially they are not an employee of the company or affiliated in any way other than their role as an independent NED. The distinction between a non-executiveRead MoreEssay On Corporate Social Responsibility1233 Words  | 5 Pagesreported in the main findings of their study that when companies link their corporate social responsibility (CSR) to likely preferences of stakeholders and then focus resources toward these initiatives they are able to take full advantage of their CSR efforts in terms of superior company performance. Other studies pertaining to CSR include the relationship between financial and corporate performance include those by Ducassy (2013); Frias†Aceituno, Rodriguez†Ariza, and Garcia†Sanchez (2013); MilesRead MoreSplitting the Ceo Chairman1305 Words  | 6 PagesCorporate Governance: Separating the CEO and the Chairman Roles Reference: Millstein Center Publication Name: D O Diary Publication Date: Tuesday, April 14, 2009 Article by : Kevin LaCroix Article summary: Many voices are calling public companies to separate the Chairman and CEO functions and to make this model a default governance structure and many evidences shows advantages of that. Pushing to separate the two roles is not a new idea, but it has gained support from many sources lately
Sunday, December 8, 2019
George Washington Father of a Nation Essay Example For Students
George Washington Father of a Nation Essay George Washington: Father of a NationA desolate wind swept over the American encampment at Valley Forge.Freezing temperatures and blinding snow storms accompanied by heartbreaking defeats had taken their toll on these young freedom fighters.The cry for freedom could no longer be heard over hunger pains and the freezing wind.One lone figure could be seen walking through the camp trying to re-ignite that fire in his dwindling troops who were huddled together for warmth.We can only wonder what words of encouragement George Washington told his men to keep their hopes alive that long hard winter of 1778.Whatever they were, they held an army together and inspired a young nation to go on and defeat the greatest power in the world at that time.Is it any wonder why the United States capital, a State, and hundreds of small towns and counties across the country are named in honor of one of the greatest men in our nations history, George Washington. Born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland Coun ty, Virginia, George Washington began his life on the family estate along the Potomac River.When George was a young boy he loved going to the home of his half brother Lawrence, a house called Mount Vernon. Lawrence had named the house and its farm, Mount Vernon, after his commanding officer, Admiral Edward Vernon of the British Navy. After the death of his father when he was only 11, Washington moved to Mount Vernon where his brother acted like a second father. George was privileged to grow up in Virginias higher society and was able to attend school unlike many children of that day. His last two years in school were devoted to engineering, geometry, trigonometry, and surveying. At age sixteen, in 1748, he was appointed a public surveyor. According to one authority, he was engaged to survey these wild territories for a doubloon a day, camping out for months in the forest, in peril from Indians and squatters. Actually it seems that the backwoodsmen and the Indians all liked him very much. Incidentally, his surveying knowledge came in handy much later when he was President. When George was nineteen he was made a Major in charge of one of the military districts into which the colony of Virginia was divided from handling attacks on the frontier by French and Indians. This was the real beginning of the seven-year French and Indian War. Two years later he was sent on a mission to the French, to find out just what their intentions were and to warn them off. This meant six hundred miles alone through the wilderness. However, for a young fellow of his build, experience, and aptitudes this was all in the days work and probably very enjoyable. In 1754 he commanded a regiment against the French, who had established themselves at Fort Duquesne (now Pittsburgh): but he was driven back by superior forces to Fort Necessity, the American stronghold, which he held as long as humanly possible before surrendering. Washington then accompanied General Braddock and led two regiments of volunteers against Fort Duquesne. In this campaign he received four bullet holes in his c oat and had two horses shot under him. Perhaps he was being saved for another time. Even though Braddock was killed, Washington was able to lead the rest of the Virginia troops to defeat the French troops. For doing this, Washington was promoted to coronal and appointed commander and chief of the Virginia militia. Assured that the Virginia frontier was safe from French attack, Washington left the army in 1758 and returned to Mount Vernon to restore his estate which he inherited after his brothers death in 1752. .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf , .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .postImageUrl , .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf , .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf:hover , .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf:visited , .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf:active { border:0!important; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf:active , .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u922b91c5512a203e21d8c3525fec4fdf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: A good man is hard to find EssayOn January 6, 1759 Washington was married to Martha Dandridge Custis, widow of Daniel Parke Custis.She had two children from the marriage to Parke, John Parke Custis and Martha Parke Custis, both of whom Washington legally adopted in 1761. He settled down with his new family to begin what he though would be a peaceful life of farming. However, this was not to be, because a developing country would have many other plans in store for George Washington. In 1774 Washington was one of the seven delegates selected from Virginia to the First Continental Congress. Washington along with 54 other delegates wrote a Declaration of Rights and Grievances which they sent to King George III of England in hopes to prevent a war. However, when the situation only got worse, a second Continental Congress was called in 1775.In St. Johns Church in Richmond delegates argued for and against the possibility of going to war with England. Washington knew that to gain independence a war would have to be fought. However, he also knew that the British would be a very hard adversary to defeat and therefore was very hesitant to go to war.Patric Henry did not agree as we can remember from his famous speech.I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death! Convincing many delegates soonthe outcome was inevitable.To vote was to go ahead and make plans for war, including the development of a Continental Army. On June 15, Washington was unanimously elected to be Commander and Chief of the colonial forces. Graciously he accepted and at age 43 Washington once again took on the role of service in fighting for a country which hadnt even been developed yet.The job however wasnt easy.The Continental Army consisted of untrained farmers, had no uniforms, and insufficient weapons.The only thing Washington had on his side was the common dream everyone shared for freedom. Washington took command of the troops and surrounded British-occupied Boston on July 3 retaking the city. The next few months he devoted to training the undisciplined 14,000-man army and trying to secure urgently needed powder and other supplies.Washington then moved his army to New York. Defeated there by the British he retreated to establish a defensive line north of New York City. In November he retreated again crossing the Hudson into New Jersey and then a month later crossed the Delaware to Pennsylvania. Washington was depressed by the Britishs easy victory for the occupancy of New York and northern New Jersey. However he knew he must be strong and move on. Crossing the icy Delaware on the night of Christmas, 1776 he captured Trento n New Jersey in a surprise attack the following morning. Then shortly after the turn of the year, he defeated British troops in a marvelous victory at Princeton.Washington was able to hold off the British and keep up moral over the next year until the French came to Americas aid.With help from French troops, Washington was able to take the offensive and eventually trapped Cornwallis at Yorktown. The British surrendered, and America was truly a free country. After the war many wanted to make Washington a king. He quickly shot down this idea for he knew that things would remain the same and the war would have been only a waist. Washington returned to Mount Vernon where he once again looked forward to a peaceful life. This, once again was not to be for in May 1787, Washington headed the Virginia delegation to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. As the hero of the Revolutionary war he was unanimously elected presiding officer. His presence lent prestige to the proceedings, an d although he made few direct contributions, he generally supported the advocates of a strong central government.After the new Constitution was submitted to the states for ratification and became legally operative, he was once again unanimously elected for the first Presidency of the United States in 1789. .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 , .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .postImageUrl , .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 , .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43:hover , .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43:visited , .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43:active { border:0!important; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43:active , .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43 .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u3b27a6574bf4a9f6d898155764830d43:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Swimming Alone EssayTaking office (Apr. 30, 1789) in New York City, Washington acted carefully and deliberately. Aware of the need to build an executive structure that could accommodate future presidents he set out to do so. With his excellent surveying skills, he himself helped find the perfect place for the nations future capital, which was later ironically named after him, Washington, D.C. Washington was reelected president in 1792.He dwelt with several problems consisting from internal between his cabinet members Jefferson and Hamilton to external dealing with France and the French Revolution.By March 1797, when Washington left office, the countrys financial system was well established, the Indian threat east of the Mississippi had been largely eliminated, and Jays Treaty and Pinckneys Treaty (1795) with Spain had enlarged U.S. territory and removed serious diplomatic difficulties. Despite of all his success in office Washington was relieved when he was able to go home to his precious Mt. Vernon. Here he spent the rest of his days in the place he loved the most and saw the least. In mid-December, Washington contracted what was probably quinsy or acute laryngitis. He declined rapidly and died at his estate on Dec. 14, 1799 leaving behind only his wife Martha who died a few years later.George Washington contributed so much to our country.Leaving what he loved behind he gave up home and family to serve the country that needed him so much. Ironically although George Washington was the father of our country, he had no children of his own. Some might say he died alone with no one to carry on his family name and legacy.Not likely, because he gave so muc h, and took so little. Washington will be remembered throughout history as one of the most prominent leaders of our nations history. Bibliography:
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Learning to Ride a Bike free essay sample
All children at one point in their life want to learn how to ride a bike. Learning to ride a bike is a rite of passage from being a toddler and going into childhood. Learning to ride a bike encompasses both trial and error and scientific styles of learning. When I was about 7 or 8 years old thats when my dad taught me how to ride my bike. He would hold on to the seat while I peddled and steered and then he would let go ND, wow I was riding my bike. Even though it would only be for a couple of feet, it didnt matter. We kept repeating the same process over and over, until I was able to hop on my bike and ride without any help. Throughout this process, I had many wrecks. This is the trial and error part of the process that cannot be avoided no matter how hard you try. We will write a custom essay sample on Learning to Ride a Bike or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The scientific part of the process was repeating the same task over and over. Now granted its not an exact science.Each child learns differently than the next one. With that in mind, the same process that my dad used with me, his dad used with him, and I will use with my son. In conclusion there is no exact science when learning to ride a bike. There are processes that can be followed and a lot of trial and error when first starting out. Because children dont know the difference between everyday learning and science learning Its easy to mix both Into the way we teach them.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The Crucible Essays
The Crucible Essays The Crucible Essay The Crucible Essay I would direct Mary to say this in a pleading and terrified force, and I would direct her to lean forward and back a little once saying it, so it looks like she wants to reach out and grab Abigail. This conveys to the audience that Mary is petrified of Abigail and she knows what Abigail is doing. After this, Mercy steps forward out of the crowd of girls on stage and starts chattering her teeth and puts her arms out to show her shaking hands and looks at Danforth and Yells : Your Honour, I freeze! in a distinctive shivering voice. This conveys to the audience that Mercy wants the judges to believe Abigail, and shows that Mercy has understood Abigails hint to start seeing the devil. When Mary says her next line, I would direct Mary to do the line: Lord, save me! in a crying out loud motion, and I would direct her to fall to the floor by her knees starting to bend, and I would direct proctor to grab her underarms and lift her back up. This conveys to the audience that Mary doesnt have anything to do with what Abigail is doing, and she feels like she has no hope left in her, and that only the lord can save her. Danforth then looks directly at Mary and says: Mary Warren, do you with her? I say to you, do you send your spirit out? I would direct Danforth to look at Abigail before he says the line and then to look directly at Mary, this shows to the audience that he had noticed what is going on and is being biased about what he is saying. When Danforth is saying his lines I would direct him to say Mary Warren in a gruff tone, and once he has said her name he looks back at Abigail and then sharply turns his head back to Mary and gives pointy eyes (commonly known as e vils) to Mary. The he also says the line in a direct accusation tone. This shows the audience that Danforth believes Mary and he is frightening her. Once Abigail has said her line : oh, heavenly father, take away this shadow I would direct Proctor to leap forward, letting go of Mary, and grabs Abigail by the hair, and falls upon Danforths desk and then pulls himself up, still gripping her hair, and pulls her to her feet viciously, while Abigail screams in pain, and turns Abigail to face him (all of this would be a side view of the two inn front of the audience, so the audience can see what proctor is doing to Abigail) and he lets go of her hair, but with one hand still holding it tightly, and the other hand grabbing the bottom of her chin and he lifts her chin up and yells : How do you call heaven, Whore! Whore! This expresses to the audience that Proctor has lost his temper with Abigail, and is taking out his aggression on what she has done on her and is willing to lose his good mans reputation for it, to prove to the court that Abigail is capable of anything. Once Proctor and Abigail have been separated, Proctor should say his next line: It is a whore in a breathless and agonising way, and he should bend down and place his hands on his knees. This shows that he put all his effort into attacking Abigail and is now tired out. On the line: John, you cannot say such a - I would direct Francis to look horrified about what Proctor has just said about Abigail, and makes big hand gestures while saying it to show his emotion in what he is saying. This suggests to the audience that he doesnt want Proctor to say that Abigail is a whore, and it shows that he doesnt believe what Proctor has just said and that he doesnt believe that a child could be capable of it. I would direct proctor to look up, with his head held high, gripping his fists and trying to keep back the tears and says : in the proper place, where my beasts are bedded. On the last night of my joy, some eight months past. She used to serve me in my house, sir. (He has to clamp his jaw to stop him from weeping) A man may think that God sleeps, but God sees everything, I know it now, I beg you, sir, I beg you see her what she is. My wife, my dear good wife, took this girl soon after, sir, and put her put on the highroad. And being what she is, a lump of vanity, sir (he is being overcome. ) Excellency, forgive me. (Angrily against himself, he turns away from the Governor for a moment. Then as though to cry is his only means of speech left) she thinks to dance with me on my wifes grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whores vengeance, and you must see it; I set myself entirely in your hands. I know you must see it now. Where the words are in italics, this is when I would direct proctor to nearly break down in tears, and show his true emotion; and the words that are in bold I would direct him to say these words distinctively. This communicates with the audience that Proctor is deeply ashamed of himself and is desperately trying to get through to the judge about what Abigail is like. After Proctors heart wrenching speech, I would direct Danforth to look at Abigail disappointingly, and then Abigail would say her line turning back to Danforth and stepping towards him saying in a sharp tone : what look do you give me? I would direct Danforth to look stunned at this point) Ill not have such looks. (she turns for the door) By Abigail saying this in a sharp tone, and Danforth being stunned, it conveys to the audience that Abigail is still manipulating Danforth and that Danforth is now starting to believe Proctor. Once Elizabeth has entered on page 90, I would direct Elizabeth to say her first line: Good, sir very faintly. This conveys to the audience that Elizabeth has been treated badly in the prison and has poor health. I would then direct Elizabeth to try to get proctors attention while saying: she were - I would direct her to glance in proctors direction, with a tear in her eye, and she would say the line very timidly. This conveys to the audience that Elizabeth doesnt know how to answer the question as she does not know if her husband wants her to tell them or not. When Elizabeth says the line Oh God! I would direct her to attempt to look back at proctor and for her to break down in tears. This conveys to the audience that she lied for Proctor not realising that he didnt want her to lie for him. After all this drama on stage, I would direct Hale to say his line a very demanding way. When he says the line: I believe him! (Pointing to Abigail. ) This girl has always struck me false! She has - I would direct him to quickly point at Abigail, using his whole arm and will walk to towards her before he finishes the sentence. This shows the audience that Hale believes Proctor and is trying to show the court what is really happening and that he is trying to convince the court to believe Proctor. When Abigail screams and says the line: You will not! Begone! Begone I say! In a very scared manner; I would direct Abigail to thrust her arms back and to look up at the ceiling while saying the line, but just before she says the line I would direct her to make a weird, wild and chilling cry. When Danforth asks Abigail what is the matter, I would direct Abigail to point at the ceiling with fear, and moves her head to face Danforth, and her eyes look frightened, with her face terribly awed, and then she looks at the girls, and they all do the same as what she was doing previously, and then Abigail looks up at the ceiling again. This conveys to the audience that Abigail is telling the girls to look up at the ceiling as something is there. When Proctor says the line : Do you see a bird I would direct him to say this in a confused way, to show that hes not sure if a real small bird is there or not. This conveys to the audience that only the girls can see the bird. On the line: Abby, Im here! I would direct Mary to be yelling this at Abigail while leaning forward a little, as if to go near her, whilst with both hands clenched on her heart. This conveys to the audience that Mary is desperate for Abby to stop it and that Mary isnt doing anything wrong. When all the girls say: Abby you mustnt I would direct all their eyes to fixed wide open. This creates a dramatic effect on stage and conveys to the audience that their actions have something to do with their plan with the devil. Mary then yells: Abby and I would direct her to have tears rolling down her cheeks, but not hysterically, and for her to stamp her feet like a little child desperate to get what she wants. This conveys to the audience again that Mary is desperate for Abigail to stop otherwise if the judges believe Abigail and the girls; Mary could face a death sentence for it. On the line: Look out! Shes coming down! I would direct all the girls to look up before that line and once the line is said, all the girls should shriek and run to wall on stage where the judges are not positioned. I would also direct the cover the eyes using a cross shape with their hand, with the palms facing outwards, like a shield before their eyes. The girls all scream, and then I would direct Mary to look around the courtroom, to look frightened, and close her eyes with her fists clenched, and for her to let out the loudest scream she possibly can, and as soon as this happens I would direct the girls screams to slowly fade and for them to un-shield their eyes, so everyone in the courtroom is watching Mary screaming. Then I would direct proctor to run towards her and to grab her by the shoulders. This suggests to the audience that Mary got to scared and joined Abigails side, and that Proctor is astonished by what Mary has just done. After that, I would direct that Mary pulls away from proctor and stops screaming, but turns to face him and slowly backs away shrieking: My name, he want my name (I would direct Mary to look at Danforth sympathetically and then turn back round) Ill murder you he say, if my wife hangs! we must go and overthrow the court he says! Then I would direct Danforths head to jerk towards proctor, with the most shock and horror on his face. This conveys to the audience that the girls are definitely lying because the audience knows that Proctor never said any of the things that Mary has accused him of. When Danforth says to Proctor: What are you? (Proctor is beyond speech to his anger. You are combined with anti- Christ, are you not? I have seen your power, you will not deny it! What say you, Mister? I would direct Danforth to say the first part of the passage in a disappointed way, as if to show that he is disgusted by what Proctor has become; I would then direct him to say the second bit of the passage in a disgraced and angry way. This conveys to the audience that Danforth believes the girls over what Proctor and Hales say. Hale goes extra mad at this and yells extremely loudly so all the members of the court turn to look at him: I denounce these proceedings! this conveys to the audience that Hale believes Proctor and wants to stop what the court is doing.
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Brief History of the Cuban Revolution
A Brief History of the Cuban Revolution In the final days of 1958, ragged rebels began the process of driving out forces loyal to Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista. By New Year’s Day 1959, the nation was theirs, and Fidel Castro, Chà © Guevara, Raà ºl Castro, Camilo Cienfuegos, and their companions rode triumphantly into Havana and history. The revolution began long before, however, and the eventual rebel triumph was the result of many years of hardship, guerrilla warfare, and propaganda battles. Transcendental Graphics / Getty Images Batista Seizes Power The revolution began in 1952 when former Army Sergeant Fulgencio Batista seized power during a hotly contested election. Batista had been president from 1940 to 1944 and ran for president in 1952. When it became apparent that he would lose, he seized power before the elections, which were canceled. Many people in Cuba were disgusted by his power grab, preferring Cuba’s democracy, as flawed as it was. One such person was rising political star Fidel Castro, who would likely have won a seat in Congress had the 1952 elections taken place. Castro immediately began plotting Batista’s downfall. Assault on Moncada On the morning of July 26, 1953, Castro made his move. For a revolution to succeed, he needed weapons, and he selected the isolated Moncada barracks as his target. 138 men attacked the compound at dawn: it was hoped that the element of surprise would make up for the rebels’ lack of numbers and arms. The attack was a fiasco almost from the start, and the rebels were routed after a firefight that lasted a few hours. Many were captured. Nineteen federal soldiers were killed; the remaining ones took out their anger on captured rebels, and most of them were shot. Fidel and Raul Castro escaped but were captured later. 'History Will Absolve Me' The Castros and surviving rebels were put on public trial. Fidel, a trained lawyer, turned the tables on the Batista dictatorship by making the trial about the power grab. Basically, his argument was that as a loyal Cuban, he had taken up arms against the dictatorship because it was his civic duty. He made long speeches and the government belatedly tried to shut him up by claiming he was too ill to attend his own trial. His most famous quote from the trial was, â€Å"History will absolve me.†He was sentenced to 15 years in prison but had become a nationally recognized figure and a hero to many poor Cubans. Mexico and the Granma In May 1955 the Batista government, bending to international pressure to reform, released many political prisoners, including those who had taken part in the Moncada assault. Fidel and Raul Castro went to Mexico to regroup and plan the next step in the revolution. There they met up with many disaffected Cuban exiles who joined the new â€Å"26th of July Movement,†named after the date of the Moncada assault. Among the new recruits were charismatic Cuban exile Camilo Cienfuegos and Argentine doctor Ernesto â€Å"Chà ©Ã¢â‚¬ Guevara. In November 1956, 82 men crowded onto the tiny yacht Granma and set sail for Cuba and revolution. In the Highlands Batista’s men had learned of the returning rebels and ambushed them. Fidel and Raul made it into the wooded central highlands with only a handful of survivors from Mexico; Cienfuegos and Guevara were among them. In the impenetrable highlands, the rebels regrouped, attracting new members, collecting weapons, and staging guerrilla attacks on military targets. Try as he might, Batista could not root them out. The leaders of the revolution permitted foreign journalists to visit and interviews with them were published around the world. The Movement Gains Strength As the July 26th movement gained power in the mountains, other rebel groups took up the fight as well. In the cities, rebel groups loosely allied with Castro carried out hit-and-run attacks and nearly succeeded in assassinating Batista. Batista decided on a bold move: he sent a large portion of his army into the highlands in the summer of 1958 to try and flush out Castro once and for all. The move backfired: the nimble rebels carried out guerrilla attacks on the soldiers, many of whom switched sides or deserted. By the end of 1958, Castro was ready to deliver the knockout punch. Underwood Archives / Getty Images Castro Tightens the Noose In late 1958 Castro divided his forces, sending Cienfuegos and Guevara into the plains with small armies; Castro followed them with the remaining rebels. The rebels captured towns and villages along the way, where they were greeted as liberators. Cienfuegos captured the small garrison at Yaguajay on Dec. 30. Defying the odds, Guevara and 300 weary rebels defeated a much larger force at the city of Santa Clara on December 28–30, capturing valuable munitions in the process. Meanwhile, government officials were negotiating with Castro, trying to salvage the situation and halt the bloodshed. Victory for the Revolution Batista and his inner circle, seeing that Castro’s victory was inevitable, took what loot they could gather up and fled. Batista authorized some of his subordinates to deal with Castro and the rebels. The people of Cuba took to the streets, joyfully greeting the rebels. Cienfuegos and Guevara and their men entered Havana on January 2nd and disarmed the remaining military installations. Castro made his way into Havana slowly, pausing in every town, city, and village along the way to give speeches to the cheering crowds, finally entering Havana on January 9th. Aftermath and Legacy The Castro brothers quickly consolidated their power, sweeping away all remnants of the Batista regime and muscling out all of the rival rebel groups that had aided them in their rise to power. Raul Castro and Chà © Guevara were put in charge of organizing squads to bring to trial and execute Batista era war criminals who had engaged in torture and murder under the old regime. Although Castro first positioned himself as a nationalist, he soon gravitated toward communism and openly courted the leaders of the Soviet Union. Communist Cuba would be a thorn in the side of the United States for decades, triggering international incidents such as the Bay of Pigs and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The United States imposed a trade embargo in 1962 that led to years of hardship for the Cuban people. Under Castro, Cuba has become a player on the international stage. The prime example is its intervention in Angola: thousands of Cuban troops were sent there in the 1970s to support a leftist movement. The Cuban revolution inspired revolutionaries throughout Latin America as idealistic young men and women took up arms to try and change hated governments for new ones. The results were mixed. In Nicaragua, rebel Sandinistas eventually did overthrow the government and come to power. In the southern part of South America, the upswing in Marxist revolutionary groups such as Chiles MIR and Uruguays Tupamaros led to right-wing military governments seizing power; Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet is a prime example. Working together through Operation Condor, these repressive governments waged a war of terror on their own citizens. The Marxist rebellions were stamped out, but many innocent civilians died as well. Cuba and the United States, meanwhile, maintained an antagonistic relationship well into the first decade of the 21st century. Waves of migrants fled the island nation over the years, transforming the ethnic makeup of Miami and South Florida; in 1980 alone, more than 125,000 Cubans fled in makeshift boats in what came to be known as the Mariel Boatlift. After Fidel In 2008, the aging Fidel Castro stepped down as president of Cuba, installing his brother Raul in power. During the next five years, the government gradually loosened its tight restrictions on foreign travel and also began allowing some private economic activity among its citizens. The U.S. also began to engage Cuba under the direction of President Barack Obama, and by 2015 announced that the long-standing embargo would gradually be loosened. The announcement resulted in a surge of travel from the U.S. to Cuba and more cultural exchanges between the two nations. However, with the election of Donald Trump as president in 2016, the relationship between the two countries is in flux. Fidel Castro died on Nov. 25, 2016. Raà ºl Castro announced municipal elections for October 2017, and Cubas National Assembly officially confirmed Miguel Dà az-Canel as Cuba’s new head of state.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Tattoos & Body Piercing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Tattoos & Body Piercing - Research Paper Example It is also used to express loyalty to worldly or divine lords as in Mexican culture where they inscribed their gods and idols in the tattoos. In South America, tribes tattooed their warriors to reaffirm their success in wars. Albeit in Japan, tattoos were used as a punishment for the sinners and criminals. However, in everyday lives, tattooing and body piercing hold a different meaning for each individual who goes into the process of acquiring it. Some people might get a tattoo because the design holds significance in their lives or they want to remember an important phase or event in their lives through that tattoo. It might also be acquired to represent the rebellion against the status quo or those in authority for instance teenagers worldwide get tattoos and body piercings to express their disobedience to their parents who are rarely fond of these activities. The modern-day tattooing is made a lot easier, thanks to scientific development and new laser technologies. One of the forms of body art, which has descended down from ancient times and successfully transited in the cultures of modern times, is henna art. Made of natural herbs, it is used to decorate hands and feet of women in eastern cultures on their weddings and other occasions marking rites of passage. However, most people, more significantly in the west, have proceeded to tattoo culture to show their rebellion to the status quo and express their opinions with more freedom and aggression (Sawyer, 97). However, as easy as it is recent times to get a piercing or tattoo, the hazards it causes to health cannot be overemphasized. First, it is a permanent body art, removing a tattoo may be difficult and very expensive since it involves the use of high-tech instruments. Second, the tattoos are highly prone to infections and skin allergies. The red dye used in tattoos usually causes rashes, sometimes years after getting a tattoo. The infections caused by tattoos are mainly bacterial and appear as sores and pus-like forms. Often, granulomas, a bump-like structure, from around the tattoo due to the ink dye used.Â
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Dental Clinic in Montreal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Dental Clinic in Montreal - Essay Example Dental marketing has entered a new phase with the use of internet. Montreal dental companies like Dental Marketing Canada focus on dental marketing online. This is meant for local dentists in the area. These types of techniques are utilized as a cutting edge advertising system that opens business for internet users. These exposures have helped these companies to increase the clientele lists and gain more profit. Dental business is now a huge phenomenon for Montreal and other parts of Canada. Online transactions have enabled better dealings. Growing number of active users of internet in Montreal have accelerated the dental marketing exposure. Internet is used as the leading source for marketing exposures. Dentist visits and treatments increase as more and more people visit dentists for routine check up and other tests. Service providers maintain websites and are available online in different modes. This has helped people to improve their awareness. Online advertisements, bookings and other dealings have brought good revenue for companies. Dental clinics set up websites so that potential patients can call for quotes and enquiries. The online presence has helped Montreal dental businesses to grow rapidly. Montreal Dentists even create social networking websites to enable patient interaction and communication. Parishioners set up websites that educate people about the dental procedures and treatments. These valuable educational tools help patients have a proper overview of the processes. Patient education pages help them access the invisible braces available in Montreal. Dentistry businesses increasingly rely on advanced technologies and internet to improve their business. They swear they provide the best level of dental care through patient education and quality treatment. Service providers in Montreal are highly specialized in services like implants, velscope testing and CEREC. Certain Montreal service providers provide excellent
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Platos Philosophical Significance (in Regards to Metaphysics, and Ethics Essay Example for Free
Platos Philosophical Significance (in Regards to Metaphysics, and Ethics Essay Philosophy spans the reaches of the human mind in countless topics, but is often divided into three main branches: metaphysics, the study of the nature of existence; epistemology, the study of knowledge and truth; and ethics, the study of morals. One of the first philosophers to look at these fields is Plato (427BCE-347BCE), whose writings are incredibly influential. Plato’s work lays the fundament for philosophy because of his cohesive contributions to the fields of metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Firstly, Plato’s work with Forms greatly influences metaphysics. He contributes the idea of the Forms which exist as â€Å"eternal and perfect ideals that exist in an unchanging, perfect heaven (via Velasquez, 2002, p. 84). [2] The Forms contrast with worldly matter; this contrast leads to Plato’s next contribution to metaphysics, his concept of â€Å"Two Worlds. †Plato divides reality into the worlds of senses and forms, the latter of which he considers to be true reality and where the soul resides. Finally, Plato’s description of the tripartite human soul greatly influences St. Augustine’s religious work on Christianity 800 years later. Therefore, Plato’s Forms helped shape metaphysics. Secondly, Plato’s Forms and myths built the foundation for epistemology. Plato argues that due to the souls unchanging nature, the process of â€Å"learning†is the soul’s recollection of knowledge. He also provides two myths, both closely related to his metaphysical works. In the first, the Chariot Allegory, Plato describes a charioteer en route to heaven, in which there exists â€Å"true reality [the forms] with which real knowledge is concerned (as cited by Velasquez, p. 84). The journey is impeded by an unruly horse that represents ignobility. The concept of the journey’s difficulty is mirrored, finally, in the Allegory of the Cave, which discusses ignorance and the escape thereof. Thus, Plato’s myths form the basis of epistemology. Finally, Plato’s work in ethics regarding justice is among the first and most influential. Firstly, he defines justice as the balance between the three parts of the tripartite soul. Thus, his justice theory states that justice in both the state and the individual is defined by â€Å"harmony between the various parts for the good of the whole†(Velasquez, 2002, p. 630). This justice theory shows cohesiveness with Plato’s tripartite theory of the soul. Finally, Plato associates justice with merit: individuals are treated proportionally to their talents and accomplishments. Hence, Platos philosophies regarding justice form the starting point for the field of ethics. In conclusion, Plato’s writings act as a basis and connection for the three main branches of philosophy: metaphysics, through his Forms; epistemology, through his myths; and ethics, through his justice theory. His influence on philosophy and society is expansive and, as such, Plato is one of the most significant philosophers. That his ideas are still being taught to modern day shows the true nature of philosophy: to pose questions so profound that they cannot be answered 2500 years later.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Photography in the classroom :: essays research papers
As an innovator in the classroom, I am continually attempting to educationally challenge my students while making learning fun and interesting at the same time. I think that the techniques discussed in this course will be incredibly useful in both goals. Â Â Â Â Â First, I can see several important uses for Image Blender. In writing classes, I could have students capture a photo. Then, I could have another student write about that image. Perhaps they could describe it, tell what happens next, or even do a creative piece of writing on it. Beyond that, with Image Blender, the students could take that image a step further and alter the photo in order to write about it. In poetry courses, students might be assigned a piece of poetry that they would need to fit an image to. They could do this any way that they wanted to. Beyond this, in working with seniors on their graduation projects, there are many possibilities for integrating photos into the final presentation. As a whole the possibilities of Image Blender are tremendous. Â Â Â Â Â Clay-mation movies offer so many possibilities in my classroom. First, in my writing classes, they are an easy way to help students learn how to write a script and tell a story. Students might be asked to write a creative story and then tell it using a clay-mation movie. Beyond that, I could see the possibility of teaching poetry terms through the movies. Each group could be assigned a different poetry term and they could have to explain, or demonstrate, the term using a clay-mation movie. In my Shakespeare class, students could be asked to perform a play, act, or scene from a Shakespeare play using only clay characters. All of these projects help to extend the learning of the units being taught. Â Â Â Â Â Creating movies has the greatest potential in my classroom immediately. I have always had some sort of video production/play project incorporated into my 10th grade English classes. However, all of those presentations involved the students performing an extra act to a play and me videotaping. There was no post-production work done on the projects. With the addition of iMovies, students could write, direct, and produce their own video presentations. It would add a great deal of flexibility and creativity to the projects. They would really only be limited by their own imaginations. Students could do the entire videotaped segments outside of class, do the post-production work in the computer lab, and then show their videos in class.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Jardi tancat Essay
Nacho Duato uses several motifs in Jardi Tancat to establish intent in his work. His work is based on Catalonian folk tales collected and sung by Maria Del Mar Bonet, to express the poor Catalonian people’s communal hardships, struggles and desperation as they cyclically farm the land. Duato has portrayed this intent through many motifs such as, curved lines and gestural action motifs. He has then manipulated these motifs through each section to unify the work as a whole. One motif frequently shown throughout the piece is the use of curved lines. This is shown in the opening silence section as all six dancers are waking from a low, hunched over crouch on their knees with hands rested out in front portraying their fatigue. Then in unison, they make a sudden jump with a forceful dynamic to a two-footed, curved stance with their hands clasped at the lower back to convey them supporting their back from the aches and pains. They then slide the hands down towards the back of the knees arching the spine in reference to stretching, as knees invert, they release their arms and curve upwards in a sustained motion repeating three times. The rounded and hunched movements portray the physical strain of their daily routines of cycling work has on their body and high releases reflecting the intent of faith and prayer in the work. A manipulation of this curved motif is shown later on in section one in unison with their arms resting on another to further establish the intent of communal connectedness. As they stand side by side in two parallel lines in the back corner facing upstage, by rolling and pulsating their spines they resemble the support they have for one another in the community throughout their hardships and sorrow. Gestural movements are incorporated throughout Jardi Tancat. One of the motifs include ‘sowing’ or seed planting action, which involves a low, curved line of the spine again to emphasize the straining work. Hunched over with a slumped dynamic determining the draining work, the dancers travel laterally across the space with heavy, limping ‘step-cross’ footwork. This pathway is performed in unison in the opening silent section, indicating planting endless rows of crops. As they travel diagonally, their sagged, contracted back emphasizes the physical burden on the body. This is also evident through the angular-shaped arm bent above their head, supporting the back, whilst the other arm is stretched with fingertips skimming across the floor ‘planting the seeds’. This motif is later on manipulated and shown in the fourth section ‘Out of the Fields!’ Repeating the movement, however working in cannons with efficient shuffling dynamic. Neat, and smoothness of the rows is no longer required as speed is all that’s needed to get the tiring chore done. This motif is repeated and manipulated throughout Jardi Tancat to represent the cyclic nature of their daily lives. The curved lines and gestural motifs used within Nacho Duato’s work ‘Jardi Tancat’ implement the intent of his work. These motifs are then further manipulated using space, time and dynamics to further establish meaning and expand intent of his work. Nacho Duato is then able to successfully and clearly display the continuous communal hardships that Catalonian farmers endure everyday through these motifs.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
In a Mans World
In John Steinbeck’s, Chrysanthemums, he generalizes the spirit of a woman and delivers to the audience her thoughts and underlying emotions of being a woman in a â€Å"man’s world. †The chrysanthemums reflects Elisa’s character and her dreams of being free to grow, make decisions, free to travel, make her own money and most of all the desire to be attractive. Elisa feels closed in and secluded from the rest of the world, just as Steinbeck describes the atmosphere at the introduction of the story, â€Å"The high grey-flannel fog of winter closed off the Salinas Valley from the sky and from all the rest of the world†(192). Feeling weak and powerless, Elisa unconsciously demonstrates the characteristics of masculinity in order to assimilate into a world not of a woman. For instance, she dresses in clothes that are too big for her feminine features and wears her husband’s huge hat which covers her soft womanly features. Therefore, all of her tools and gardening were, to her, considered â€Å"powerful†and strong. In lines 27-29, Elisa is clearly mimicking the power displayed the men talking in the shed (her husband and two men) â€Å"She looked down toward the men by the tractor shed now and then. Her face was eager and mature and handsome; even her work with the scissors was over-eager, over-powerful†(193). Elisa’s deepest passion is to be strong and powerful. In line 29, the chrysanthemums are described as â€Å"too small and easy†as it seemed to Elisa, though, resembling her own self-image. She exhibits control in the presence of her husband, not to appear diminutive. As she responds to her husband’s comments (â€Å"You’ve got a strong new crop coming. †) regarding her chrysanthemums, she straightens her stance and condescendingly tells him that her chrysanthemums will be strong soon â€Å"Yes. They’ll be strong this coming year†(193). Being a woman is most difficult in life. For Elisa, being treated as the complete opposite of how she wishes to be treated is what frustrates her. However, she is a woman, and the fact that she responds with innate appropriateness is what frustrates her the most. Henry (her husband) tells her that he wants to take her to dinner and a show in the Salina’s, which clearly surprises her, he jokes about taking her to see fights and she responds to him as any woman would â€Å"Oh no. I wouldn’t like fights†(193). Elisa doesn’t realize her husband is being sarcastic in that particular suggestion â€Å"Just fooling, Elisa†(193). Henry feels because she is a woman she won’t be interested or perhaps he is suggesting that she appears to be too masculine, checking to see if she is still womanly. Elisa is also frustrated with her abilities underestimated, as Henry noted her excellent garden, he commented â€Å"I wish you’d work out in the orchard and raise some apples that big†(193). She perceives this comment as if he is saying to her that she cannot multi-task â€Å"Her eyes sharpened. â€Å"Maybe I could do it, too††(193). When the stranger is at her home he tells her that the road is no good life for a woman, Elisa is offended by this because she feels as if she is just as capable as he is of living on the road and sharpening scissors and repairing pots as he does â€Å"You might be surprised to have a rival some time. I can sharpen scissors, too. And I can beat the dents out of the little pots. I could show you what a woman might do†(197). Elisa’s hopes of going out into the real world are implied to the stranger when he tells her of a customer who loves chrysanthemums and she agrees to give him some for his customer. The chrysanthemums become symbolic of her hopes, â€Å"I’ll put them in a flower pot, and you can take them right with you†(196). The pot that the chrysanthemums are placed in is described as â€Å"a bright new pot†symbolizing a new life. As the stranger was leaving with her chrysanthemums, she reiterated to him to keep the sand damp so the plants wouldn’t die, in other words, take care of her. As he left, she said good-bye to her life and assumed a brighter direction â€Å"that’s a bright direction, there’s a glowing there (197). Realizing how many undesirable relationships she’s had or maybe the impassionate marriage she is in, Elisa reflects on her need to be desired as she explains to the stranger the meaning of â€Å"planting hands†â€Å"Everything goes right down into your fingertips. You watch your fingers work. They do it themselves. You can feel how it is. They pick and pick the buds. They never make a mistake†(196), then she emphasizes â€Å"Your fingers and the plant. You can feel it. When you’re like that you can’t do anything wrong. †(196). The stranger knew what Elisa was saying to him, so he tried to tell her of how he felt, but the pride in her took over and she did not let him finish, only to assume what he was going to say to satisfy herself. Admiring herself in the mirror, Elisa wonders how attractive she is in the eyes of a man. Her interlude, so to speak, with the stranger made her feel attractive, sexy even. She became exited about her new â€Å"spirit†and dressed in her nicest garments, fixed her hair and put on lipstick. With a feeling of revival, Elisa waits for her husband on the porch with a new inspiration to become more than a â€Å"woman. †Wearing her emotions on her face, Henry approaches and notices the difference in his wife, â€Å"Henry stopped short and looked at her. †Then he responded with words of affirmation â€Å"Why-Why, Elisa. You look so nice! †(198). â€Å"I mean you look different, strong and happy. †(198). Elisa clearly stated that she only felt strong and did not say she was happy. Her strength is what she relied on and her new journey on the road is what revived her soul. Elisa found that the stranger who desired her and took some part of her with him had threw her (her chrysanthemums) out on the road. She then knew that changing her life wouldn’t be so easy, yet she wouldn’t give up. She will have wine with her husband to remove the tension of her marriage and maybe pursue intimacy, which she is clearly missing, and she will maybe attend a fight as if it that will make her feel like a new woman â€Å"Do any women ever go the fights? (199). When Henry tells her that women go, she changes her mind, because she would not be the first or only woman at the fights. The wine that they’ll have at dinner will definitely help her to forget about her day and her life for the time being. Elisa feels as if she’s missed out on a real life. Being a woman in her days has been hard for her, sheltered, sexually repressed and minimal limitations as a woman has been mentally tormenting. Trying to stay strong has took a toll on her and the chrysanthemums that she raises every year, stronger and stronger, longer and longer, gives her hope for a better year just like them. The buds or years of her life have been picked off and cut down, but she has managed to grow them back strong. Elisa feels as if time is running out for her and her frustrations and profound sorrow over takes her and she can no longer hold back her tears â€Å"She turned up her coat collar so he could not see that she was crying weakly-like and old woman†(199).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Understand Fiberglass Boat Delamination
Understand Fiberglass Boat Delamination In the early days of fiberglass boat construction the durability and strength of the material was underestimated. Builders formed thick hulls with integrated tubular ribs and stringers. Since this was the time before computer aided design tools, builders in the North Western United States built using the old default method of more is better. In 1956, when the first fiberglass boat was built, the material was very new but already found acceptance in aviation and automotive industries. The only way to build at that time used layers of fiberglass impregnated with acrylic resin that hardened when cured. Large molds allowed entire hulls to be made as one piece with no seams. Some wooden structure was added inside the hull for rigidity and it was bonded in with more fiberglass material. No precautions were taken to compress the curing hull or eliminate air bubbles in the structure as is done today. We know this method as solid core construction. Fiberglass materials remained expensive, and as demand for these new boats increased, manufactures began cutting costs to compete in the marketplace. Soon a layer of wood was added to lighten and strengthen the hulls and decks. The fiberglass and wood sandwich was a great combination until one of the outer surfaces of the fiberglass was breached. This is called wood core construction. It didn’t take a crash on the rocks to let water into the wood layer. Small cracks allowed the wood to become soaked and it swelled, and then rotted. Soon the inner and outer fiberglass layers couldn’t do their job and broke down from repeated flexing. This was the first type of fiberglass delamination and the failures damaged the boat building industry badly since many manufacturers had transitioned to all fiberglass construction, leaving more traditional materials behind. Fiberglass construction was quickly becoming known as poor quality because of delamination issues. Two Types of Delamination The first type of delamination, where a wood core either separates or disintegrates, is very difficult to repair. One of the fiberglass surfaces needs to be removed to access the core. It’s usually the inner skin that’s removed because it’s less visible so finish quality is not as important. The process is expensive and requires skilled labor; many boats were scrapped because of the cost of repair. Even with today’s modern materials and processes this kind of repair is difficult. Another type of delamination is similar but without the wooden layer. In these cases tiny flaws in the fiberglass itself allow air to be trapped. If the hull is cared for badly, water can enter through microscopic channels and enter these voids filled with air. Expansion and contraction of these tiny bits of water will make the voids grow horizontally along the layers of fiberglass cloth and resin binder. Temperature fluctuation causes the expansion and contraction of the water and if freezing and thawing are encountered the voids will grow quickly. Small bumps soon become visible in the smooth finish. These bumps are called blisters and it’s a serious condition. Blister Repair The only way to repair this damage is to remove the outer gel coat and underlying fiberglass material to access the damage. It is then filled with new resin and the gel coat is patched. It sounds easy, but unless you have considerable experience working with composites it’s easy to make the situation worse. If the boat is going to get a new coat of paint the problem of color matching isn’t an issue. Blending a patch into existing paint is an art form and lighter colors are much easier to match than bright or dark paints. Mechanical bonding is the larger issue since the new patch is only connected to the hull through adhesive properties. The same vibrations that formed tiny cracks will cause the boundary of the patch to loosen. Some blister repair involves drilling a few very small holes and injecting an epoxy compound. The blister is then compressed while the epoxy cures. This allows the patch to become a more integrated part of the hull. Causes of Blisters Marine growth can penetrate the gel coat and allow water into the structural area. Keeping a clean bottom and using an anti-fouling paint is the most important step. Abuse is another way tiny cracks form and allow the entry of water. Some boats are exposed to these conditions as a normal course of wear. Other boats are needlessly used in a careless way and this causes hull problems. Never allow someone to load heavy objects on the cabin top or jump onto the deck from the dock. Not only is it dangerous, but it can lead to delamination in these areas which will grow with further vibration from normal use. Poor storage practices like leaving water in the bilge can lead to severe delamination. Even in tropical climates the expansion and contraction of water trapped between layers of fiberglass can raise blisters. In climates which freeze and thaw often it’s possible a small blister can turn into a â€Å"pop†where the outer surface is torn away by the pressure of internal ice. Pops can be fixed with the same processes as a blister but the extent of the damage is unknown and the hull is permanently compromised. Sonic survey can reveal some of the damage but prevention is far easier.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Make a Book with 7 Solid Steps for Real Success
How to Make a Book with 7 Solid Steps for Real Success How to Make a Book with 7 Solid Steps for Real Success Making a book isnt as complex as it seems. While it does take skill, it mostly takes the right method to get it right.What if you could have that method at your disposal right now?Thats exactly what have for you. Our steps for how to make a book are easy to follow, straight to the point, and effective at producing a bestselling book.So lets make a book! If you’ve authored an eBook, you may be interested in printing paperback books- either to keep for yourself or to sell. How to Make a BookLuckily, we’ve got great news: the process of how to make a bookisn’t as challenging as you might think. And, we’re here to walk you through the process.Here are our steps for how to make a book:Define the reason for making a bookWrite an amazing bookDecide your books distribution channelDetermine the cost of making a bookDecide your books contentsDesign a book coverFormat your book properlyUpload your book to a distribution channelSelf-publish after making a bookNOTE: We cover exactly how to make a book (a bestseller at that) and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it here#1 Define Your Why The first step to making a book is to ask yourself why? There are several valid reasons for writing a book.First and foremost, because you want to! You put the blood, sweat, and tears into authoring a book. Now you want tangible proof that you can see, carry around, and display on your bookshelf. That’s a good enough reason!Some authors, especially those who identify as non-fiction experts, find that paperbacks serve as glorified business cards. These copies are especially useful for speaking engagements or professional development events, such as conferences or continuing education courses.Passing out free books to interested readers is a terrific way to build a solid fan base as well as spread the word that you’re an author. If you elect to sell your books at events, you can recoup some of your costs and potentially even turn a profit.Using your printed book to generate leads and make network connections is never a bad idea. If your book genre lends itself to this type of network development, then definitely go for it.#2 Write an amazing bookWriting a book is about a lot more than just throwing your ideas on paper and hoping they stick. It takes skill, knowledge, and a strategy to make sure its done and done well.Here are some steps to writing a great book the first time:Determine what you want to write about by perusing writing promptsCreate a book outline you can work from to finish fasterFind a writing software to help you write more efficientlyLearn how many words should be in your book for your genreStart writing your book by crafting a strong introductionMake sure you have all the necessary parts of a book for your genreDevelop a writing routine that will help you write your book fasterFocus on writing daily to finish your draft!Celebrat e a job well done- and a finished book!Writing a novel is no easy feat! Make sure to take your time but commit to a deadline that will keep you moving toward progress every day.This writing schedule should be realistic but difficult enough to require regular progress to achieve.#3 Decide your books distribution channelNot every distribution channel is the same. When youre making a book, you have to think about who is going to print this book.Who to choose for book prints?You may have heard that Createspace was bought out by Amazon, meaning KDP now prints your books. Since there is really only one other major book printer for self-published authors, the big question everyone has on their mind is: Amazon or Ingramspark?Since you’ll already be familiar with Amazon from uploading the Kindle version of your book, it may seem like KDP paperback publishing is the easy choice. But that’s not necessarily true, at least not yet. At Self-Publishing School, we recommend you choos e a means of making your book that best fits what you want.There are pros and cons to using Ingramspark versus Amazon that you have to consider.Heres a list of what Ingramspark has to offer with their different packages for making a book:Both Amazon and Ingramspark print your books and distribute them on Amazon. Meaning, they sell those books on Amazon without you as the middleman. Theyre direct sale-to-print and they ship out from their warehouses.That being said, they dont offer the same perks.For example, Ingramspark actually prints hardback copies of your book, where Amazon only prints paperback copies.#4 Factor in the cost of making a bookWhen you decide to learn how to make a book, youre also diving into the world of business.Thats right, making a book has a lot to do with business and we all know businesses have certain factors that can be a little confusing, including the cost of publishing a book. So how much does it cost to publish a book?The truth is that there are sever al factors that add to the cost of making a book.Here are some expenses for making a book:hiring a book editorhiring a cover designerany ads or marketing services you want to includetime spent in the writing, marketing, and publishing phaseIf you’re basing your decision strictly on revenue, then you’ll want to think about it before heading down the printing path. Paperback can be costly to produce if youre not sure what youre doing, which is why we created a program to help you avoid those expensive mistakes.Luckily with Amazon and Ingramspark, they take care of the cost upfront, but they will take a higher percentage of your revenue to make up for the printing cost. This means you wont make as much money off the sales of a paperback as you would with an e-book.We’ve often seen that the most lucrative path for e-authors is the combination of a Kindle eBook and an audiobook. If your goal is to make as much money as you can, and you have to choose between the two, then consider pursuing an audiobook over a paperback. (Although funding an audiobook can be pricey, and you are responsible for that upfront cost, so do the math!)#5 Determine your books contentsYou’ve given it some thought and considered the factors above, and you’ve decided that you do want to print paperback copies of your book. Before you take the next step, it’s important to dot your â€Å"i’s†and cross your â€Å"t’s†by figuring out your books contents. Run through our pro-developed, pre-printing checklist to make sure you’ve checked all the appropriate boxes of making a book.Choose the size of your bookDecide on black white or color (Note: The prices may vary) Price your book properly (which we cover in our book launch post)Create a rough concept for your coversDecide whether to outsource your cover graphics and designWrite your author bio for the back or inside coverPick your author headshot for the back or inside coverPick the reviews you want to includePick your spine design and layoutDecide whether to outsource the interior formattingWork out an interior layout- from fonts to chapters to marginsOnce you have the above checklist of making a book complete, you can move on to the next and one of the most exciting parts#5 Your Cover DesignThe next step on the road to printing your masterpiece is to design a good book cover. Ok, that’s a lot of pressure, but you should aim for at least a Barnes Noble-worthy design.Meeting with a designer can help you verbalize and align on your creative aesthetic and vision, resulting in actionable suggestions. Here at Self-Publishing School, we provide our students with a Rolodex of SPS-Approved cover designers we know and trust to produce a star-worthy cover.If you decide that you’d rather design your book’s exterior on your own, there are online programs that can help, although again, we highly recommend you not design your own book co ver.Here are some cheap resources you can get a book cover design:Fiverr.com99 Designs100 CoversOnce you know who you want to design your book cover, you also have to think about other small details for the actual printing of your book.Some design elements you’ll need to consider are: whether or not you’ll want a matte or glossy coverwhich fonts you’d like for the title of your book, subtitles, and bodythe design of your book’s spineTypically, books with less than 101 pages should have a completely blank spine, due to space restrictions. Books with more than 101 pages have room for a title on the spine.You know that, of course, your book will need a front cover, but you shouldn’t neglect your book’s rear. In addition to the cover art and fonts, you’ll need to create a back cover design. Most back covers provide a brief description of the book, an author headshot alongside a quick bio, and an optional barcode and ISBN placement.#6 For mat your bookFormatting your book pages is a finicky, technical process.For this reason, many authors say that outsourcing this chore to a professional book formatter is well worth the cost. Page margins, titles and subheading, and fonts are all tough to layout properly. Handing this over to a pro can save you a big headache. Moreover, at the end of the book making process, a good formatter will give you an archival quality product.There are major difference in book formatting between fiction and nonfiction you have to take into account as well (though if you hire someone, they will know this).Heres an example of a fiction book formatting from Jenna Morecis The Saviors Champion:This is the difference with many (not all) nonfiction book formats from Chandlers Bolts Published.: If you do decide to tackle the interior formatting yourself, then there are programs that can make the process simpler. Word has downloadable templates to make the work easier. These formats vary, depending on how many pages your book has. Make sure to experiment with multiple formats to help you decide which works best for your specific layout needs.#7 Upload to AmazonOnce you’ve created your printed book, the next step is to find your fulfillment house. There are many options available. Fulfillment houses pack and ship, and provide customer service for your books. We tend to overwhelmingly recommend publishing on Amazon. Their services are user-friendly and simple to follow. This works the best, as you can curb the costs of printing more than the number of copies you need because of Amazons print-on-demand.There are multitudes of resources out there for learning how to. make a book. Whether you want to sell your printed books, use them as pro book marketing tools, or simply admire how lovely they look gracing your bookcase, realize that with a few easy steps, you can create your own beautiful paperback version of your eBook.How to Start Making a Book TODAYOne of the biggest cost s of making a book is TIME.We hear from our students just how much time theyve wasted writing their books before learning our methods for doing it.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The Effects of smoking cigarettes Research Paper
The Effects of smoking cigarettes - Research Paper Example Therefore, whatever they do becomes a norm for the fashion conscious lot of the society. Cigarette has lately become a necessary fashion accessory. People visualize it as a symbol of style. There have been cases when models have given photo-shoots regarding the various ways in which cigarettes can be smoked. In addition to looking stylish, many teenagers feel drawn towards cigarettes because smoking makes them feel mature. Teenage is a period when people normally have a desire to look elder and mature for their age. There is enthusiasm about looking grown up and entering into an independent practical life among the teenagers. In order to look mature, many teenagers give the cigarettes a try and then can not retreat from smoking. Smoking is a waste of health, time and money. Smokers should realize how dangerous cigarettes are for their health. This paper discusses some of the ways in which cigarettes cause harm to the smoker. Smoking is a waste of time and money: Smoking is a waste of time and more importantly money. Once an individual starts to smoke, he starts from only one cigarette a day. He thinks that he would not increase the consumption of cigarettes and believes that one cigarette in a day is just too less to cause him any potential loss in the long run. Such misconceptions are further added to by the individual’s smoker peers, colleagues and friends. ... There is no option. Smoke is in the air. Taking this into consideration, the individual approves of smoking one cigarette a day as it helps in the development of a unique bond with the company of smokers. Having smoked, the individual feels better in the company of smokers. Slowly and gradually, that company becomes an important part of the individual’s social life, and the habits of the peers become ingrained in the individual’s personality and psychology. Once the individual gets used to smoking one cigarette a day, there is little guilt over smoking two in the days to follow. This way, the smoker wastes time in smoking with his friends, and also money in buying packs of cigarettes. Cigarettes cause the smoker to take more drugs: Cigarette often stands first in the chain of drugs that people become addicted to in life. The possibility of drug addiction is much more profound in smokers as compared to non-smokers. One of the biggest drawbacks of the habit of smoking is that it saps a smoker’s ability to give importance to health. The smoker becomes so addicted to it that he smokes despite knowing that it is bad for health. Being addicted to smoking, smokers do not realize the gravity of drug addiction, and easily try more potential means of gaining pleasure than cigarette as cigarettes give little to no pleasure or relief to the smokers as compared to other drugs as Heroine. On the other hand, the non-smokers manage to stay away from drugs just like they said â€Å"no†to cigarettes in the first place. Cigarettes disturb the body and its functions: Cigarettes are extremely harmful for health. Smokers have a much higher tendency of acquiring heart and lung related diseases as compared to the non-smokers. Smoking
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Application of State and Federal Law within the Reservation Research Paper
Application of State and Federal Law within the Reservation - Research Paper Example These constitutions at one time gave the tribes quite a bit of power in making decisions and enforcing legal contracts with the people. However, over the last few years tribal power has been diminished with the most dramatic decrease happening with the Indian Civil Rights Act in 1968. Under this act, tribal courts are denied the power to impose sentences in criminal cases in excess of $5,000. and/or one year in jail (Robertson, 2001, pg 9). This has become a very big issue in taking care of criminal problems on the reservations. To add to the problem, if a tribal member feels their rights have been violated, they cannot take that to Federal Court, it has to go to Tribal Court. Congress has also made the tribes responsible for Environmental Laws as determined by the Federal Government as well as Federal Tax laws. The United States government maintains that it is the guardian for the tribes or trustee. This role came from the Cherokee Nation v Georgia ( Robertson, 2001, pg 3) This allows the Federal Government to hold the underlying fee title for reservation lands. That is why they are called trust lands. This guardianship capacity like all guardianship laws allows the Federal government to impose legislation affecting Indians that are the best for them. They are supposedly held to a very high standard for this. Tribal status under all of these laws is considered a political classification. Prohibitory State law applies to reservation land, regulatory does not always. This allows the State and Federal justice system to enforce environmental laws. The reason they can do this is because most environmental laws are prohibitory in nature. On the one hand the Federal government sees that they probably do not have the right to enforce such laws on Indian land but they are also responsible for the welfare of the people under their guardianship clause. It appears from many reviewed cases that the Federal government chooses to enforce when it is convenient to them (www.senat.leg). It is not done the same way every time. This is one of those places where the Reservation Court would not have jurisdiction to enforce because it is Federal law and because the charge is greater than $5,000. It places the tribal enforcement in a poor place because they cannot enforce but are obliged to report. In this case, the advantage seems to be on the side of the State and Federal governments. Another legal situation that has recently come to light based on the reservations and Federal law is the case the IRS and the auction of Indian lands to pay Internal Revenue taxes. This is one of the poorest Indian Reservations in the nation. The lands belong to the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. The Federal government says they own Federal income taxes. The tribe has been trying to develop wind energy and this is the land that is set for that development. The land to be auctioned is 7100 acres (Martin, 2009). The law says that Indian tribes are not usually susceptible to tax laws. They are when there is business entities associated with the tribe. The IRS says the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Hume-Faith and Reason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hume-Faith and Reason - Essay Example Faith is necessarily an internal asset, which lies beyond the comprehension of the sensory organs. In his book â€Å"An enquiry concerning human understanding,†David Hume observes, â€Å"Our most holy religion is founded on faith not on reason; and it is a sure method of exposing it to put to such a trial as it is, by no means fitted to endure.†(Hume 1999, p.98) Instead of beating about the bush, Hume expresses his views clearly when he explains, â€Å"Divinity of theology, is it proves the existence of a Deity, and the immortality of souls, is composed partly of reasoning concerning particular, partly concerning general facts. It has a foundation in reason, so far as it is supported by experience. But its best and most solid foundation is faith and divine revelation.†(Hume 1999, p.122) Howsoever brilliant may be the rational justification for beliefs and disbeliefs, they open the door to more questions. This is the problem with the revealed knowledge that leans heavily on faith. But even for the scientist, the starting rules of the game, and the initial syllabus, are based on faith. â€Å"Each solution still gives rise to a new question as difficult as the foregoing, and leads us on to farther enquiries. When it is asked, what is the nature of all our reasoning concerning matter of fact? The proper answer seems to be, that they are founded on the relation of cause and effect. When again it is asked, what is the foundation of all our reasoning and conclusions concerning that relation? It may be replied in one word, Experience.†(Hume, 1910) Human mind accepts nothing beyond the evidence of one’s senses. It works on the foundation of reason. But again the problem is, who is to judge, or where are the resources available that one’s way of thinking is accurate representation of the operation of the external world? As many minds, so many opinions and options! The detailed analysis of this issue made by Hume and its
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Multimedia Systems And Applications Computer Science Essay
Multimedia Systems And Applications Computer Science Essay This report gives the details of multimedia computing. Multimedia computing is one of the major research topics in recent years, this field is widely using in different industries like web, gaming, telecommunications and broadcasting networks. Multimedia computing gives the detailed view of multimedia systems, multimedia applications, and multimedia softwares. It is used in presenting the text, audio, video, and graphics in different fields. The development in multimedia computing has made a strong impact on these fields. Fundamentally multimedia computing use the elements such as audio, video, personal computers, and the storage devices to get the synchronisation of animation, text, video and sound to present the information. The multimedia computing mainly depends on the systems and the human computer interaction. The input and output of the computer has changed to the window oriented display using the bitmapped displays. The stable rate in the continuous media like audio and digit al video must be considered in the multimedia input and output. Multimedia applications are now exploring the capabilities of the multimedia computing. Understanding the multimedia functionality in advanced application domains like visualization systems, intelligent interfaces, virtual reality environments, and collaboration environments provides the different possibilities which are not available previously in the human computer interaction. This report discusses the multimedia applications, multimedia systems, technologies and softwares with designs and operating systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 2.1. Key Areas 3. Research Section 3.1. Multimedia systems 3.2. Multimedia technologies 3.3. Multimedia applications 4. Conclusion 5. References INTRODUCTION This paper presents the detailed research about multimedia computing and the contents of multimedia computing. The purpose of this paper is to present the detailed review about the multimedia computing which involves the concepts like multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, softwares and multimedia applications. In this presentation about the multimedia computing the challenges are it is difficult give the review because the multimedia computing is the integration of several multimedia concepts and is difficult to present them as a single component. As an MSc student, while developing a research paper the rule and regulations must have to be followed. And all the information which is required for the research has to be accessed in proper way by using the facilities provided by the university. The research paper should not create any controversy in further approach, and the details presented in the paper must be correct and honest. The main aim of this paper is to provide the det ailed view about multimedia computing and its concepts including the views like the back ground, current status of multimedia computing and possible advancements in future. To achieve this detailed research is required in the field of multimedia and in the technologies using and in the application domains. And the analysis on existing works in multimedia computing field is needed to get an idea about what currently happening in the field and to find the advantages and disadvantages, so that it is possible to know the future enhancements needed. Multimedia is the well known word and widely using in information industry. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media like text, graphics drawings, and imagesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . In general Multimedia can be defined as a field that integrates various forms of media such as text, audio, video, graphics with the computer-controlled integration. Multimedia concept is used to display the text, images, graphics and drawings in the form of audio and video presentations. (Dave Marshall, 2001). LITERATURE REVIEW According to Reisman (1994), the multimedia computing is the rapidly using technology to present the data in the audio and video contexts rather than in normal text and graphics format. In the present days the multimedia systems are using to display the presentations of data as a multimedia content. These systems are capable of processing the multimedia data such as audio, video, graphics, text and images. These systems having the window based display with bitmapped processing. The images and the videos presented through this displays are modified by using the different multimedia technologies like image processing, video compression, visualization etc. The present multimedia systems use the elements like audio, video, storage devices such as CD-ROMS, DVD, Hard disk to get the synchronisation of multimedia contents animation, text, video, audio. According to Different multimedia technologies are used in developing the multimedia content like audio, text, images and video. There are different approaches using in each context, like for displaying the image several processes like jpeg encoding, gif encoding and jpg encoding etc..And for video we use the mpeg-4 technology, and digital video technology is used. Similarly different approaches are used in editing graphics and animations etc. The technologies used for animations and graphics are different from the technologies used for editing of text, audio and video. In the presentation of general data as a multimedia data we need to us all these technologies at one instance, because the data is the combination of text, images, audio, video and more. (Fernando Pereira, 1999) The present multimedia is one the major field which is using in a high extent in information industry, because in any information related thing, there is a need of multimedia to present data. The multimedia is given as by the name itself, combining two or more media as one information. The multimedia concepts used in the development of games in high extent because the games developed depends on the graphics and animations, these concepts can be designed by using the different softwares like Maya , 3D max,3dsmax etc these softwares are mainly using in the development of visual effects and graphics animations etc. There are different softwares which are used to display the images, audio, text and video. The softwares like Adobe, Flash are used to edit or display the images, text, audio, video in the required format. These application softwares of multimedia containing different tools and each tool has its own specification in developing, editing or displaying the information. (Mahbubur Rahman Syed, 2008) Key areas: According to Fernando Pereira (1999), In general multimedia computing is the key area in information industry. The key areas in multimedia computing are multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications. These areas are explained in detail below. The multimedia computing has more applications and important in several fields. The multimedia computing also includes the topics like multimedia operating systems. Multimedia is mainly depends on the systems and technologies used in displaying the information and also on the multimedia softwares which are used in developing the information. To accept all these technologies and to execute the components of softwares used in developing the multimedia systems must contain the operating system which is capable of processing the multimedia components. The operating system which can capable of processing the multimedia contents like audio, video, text, graphics is known as multimedia software. The multimedia is the hot area with its applications and tools that are used in developing the multimedia components. The presenting of information which consist the audio and video along with images, graphics and animations is difficult to process, because the operating system has to run all the fields like systems and softwares and the technologies of multimedia simultaneously so that it can provides all the information in the display that contains the multimedia components. The key area in multimedia is its life cycle. The life cycle that is followed when a multimedia component is produced is known as multimedia life cycle. The life cycle consists the phases such as analysis, design, implementing, testing and executing. To develop a multimedia application such as presenting the information, gaming applications or animated displays etc, have to follow the multimedia life cycle. First we need to analyse the requirements and identfy the charecterstics and have to to the analysis abou t the designs . such that we need to clarify which designs has to be use, and which is the best software to develop the designs and the technologies that has to use. From the above analysis the implementaio or the development of the application has to done, the testing is the important phase in development, the testing has to done according to the appliction developed and the performance has to be analysed . (Ralf Steinmetz, Analyzing the Multimedia Operating systems,1995 ). RESEARCH SECTION According to Matthew E. Hodges and Sasnett(1993), Multimedia computing gives the in-depth overview of information design, advances in multimedia technology and system representations to system designers, system planners and to the users. The concepts of multimedia such as multimedia systems, multimedia designs, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications are all parts of multimedia computing. Multimedia computing is responsible for presenting the information in audio and video format. The systems which are able to process the multimedia components like data and applications are called as the multimedia systems. These systems have different characteristics, components. The characterisation of multimedia systems is based on their capability of processing, storage, manipulation, generation of multimedia information. The designs which use the multimedia concepts to present the data containing the text, images, graphics, and drawings as a multimedia presentation like audio and video format are known as multimedia designs. The designs are used based on the requirement in the presentation of data. The softwares that are used in developing the multimedia components of data are known as multimedia softwares. There are different types of softwares like adobe, flash, 3dsmax using for various applications. The multimedia computing has been using in different fields. It has a wide range of applications in various domains like gaming, World Wide Web, interactive TV, virtual reality etc. The Multimedia computing applications use the multiple fields of media sources like text, video, audio as a collection. Multimedia computing is the combination of all the above multimedia concepts. The above all concepts are explained below in detail. Multimedia computing evolved with the concepts of multimedia such as multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications. This research section clearly focuses on the detailed views on these multimedia fields. The existing works in these fields are described in the literature review section. 3.1. MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS According to Dave Marshall (2001), the definition for the multimedia systems can be given as the systems which are able to process the multimedia components like data and applications are called as the multimedia systems. These systems have different characteristics, components. The characterisation of multimedia systems is based on their capability of processing, storage, manipulation, generation of multimedia information. The multimedia systems use the bitmapped windows oriented displays to display the contents. These are capable of processing the multimedia contents. The multimedia computing is more dependent on the configuration of these systems. The configuration of the systems can results in the display of multimedia contents and to process some of the multimedia softwares and technologies the high configurations are required. The characteristics, challenges, key issues and the desirable features of multimedia systems are given below Characteristics of multimedia system The basic characteristics that a multimedia system is, the multimedia system should be computer-controlled. To process the multimedia components the multimedia systems should be integrated. These systems have to represent the information digitally. They have to use the interactive media as an interface for the presentation of final information. These characteristics have to be possessed by the multimedia systems. Challenges of multimedia system The multimedia systems have some challenges such as distributed networks. It is difficult to process the multimedia content over distributed networks, because different types of systems are used in different networks and the configurations are not same, so the content that is displaying may undergoes changes. And the other challenge is temporal relationship between data. This is a problem in presenting the data when there is a relationship between data using in the presenting information. This is like using the audio video for same display needs the lip sync. Key Issues The key issues in the multimedia systems are related to the representation of data such as how to store and represent the temporal data. And the issues in maintain the relationship between the temporal data in multimedia presentation. The other issues involved like data compression and representation. There is a need of compressing the data when it is using large volumes of data. And some other issues are involved related to analogue and digital data representation. (Reisman, S. 1994). 3.2. MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES According to Mahbubur Rahman Syed(2008), In general the multimedia technologies can be defined as the technologies which are used in processing of the multimedia contents to present the multimedia information. The technologies include video, audio, text, image and graphics. Each of these technologies is responsible for providing the data as multimedia content. These technologies are responsible for processing the images by using the technologies like jpeg encoding and decoding, and like the other formats gif, and jpg. And technologies that are used for encoding and compressing the videos use the MPEG-4 technologies. The technologies are based on the multimedia concepts like generations and the dimension views. The whole technologies of multimedia are responsible for presenting the data in detailed view which consist of the multimedia contents. 3.3. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS According to Ralf Steinmetz and K. N. (2004). The multimedia computing has wide range applications in different fields, because the applications are used to present the information in audio and video formats. The sectors which are dealing with the processing of the information will use the multimedia applications. The applications of multimedia are used in mobiles, televisions, World Wide Web, networks, games, visual effects, digital video processing systems, hypermedia courseware, virtual reality, video conferencing etc. The applications of multimedia are designed on the basis of requirements of multimedia component presentations. The applications designed as discussed above, by using the designs, technologies and softwares. 4.CONCLUSION The present world is dependent mostly on the multimedia and its applications. The developments in this multimedia computing provide various features for the users and developers. With the applications of multimedia the information industry changed a lot. The evolution in multimedia provides the features like games, internet, and presentations of data in variety of formats. The fields of multimedia like systems, technologies, applications and softwares are all used simultaneously in the systems achieving the best results. And by overcoming the drawbacks like memory usage and temporal relationship between data, multimedia applications can processed easily and gives the best results. The above paper discussed the concepts of multimedia and key issues and desirable features of multimedia computing.
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