Thursday, October 31, 2019
Application of State and Federal Law within the Reservation Research Paper
Application of State and Federal Law within the Reservation - Research Paper Example These constitutions at one time gave the tribes quite a bit of power in making decisions and enforcing legal contracts with the people. However, over the last few years tribal power has been diminished with the most dramatic decrease happening with the Indian Civil Rights Act in 1968. Under this act, tribal courts are denied the power to impose sentences in criminal cases in excess of $5,000. and/or one year in jail (Robertson, 2001, pg 9). This has become a very big issue in taking care of criminal problems on the reservations. To add to the problem, if a tribal member feels their rights have been violated, they cannot take that to Federal Court, it has to go to Tribal Court. Congress has also made the tribes responsible for Environmental Laws as determined by the Federal Government as well as Federal Tax laws. The United States government maintains that it is the guardian for the tribes or trustee. This role came from the Cherokee Nation v Georgia ( Robertson, 2001, pg 3) This allows the Federal Government to hold the underlying fee title for reservation lands. That is why they are called trust lands. This guardianship capacity like all guardianship laws allows the Federal government to impose legislation affecting Indians that are the best for them. They are supposedly held to a very high standard for this. Tribal status under all of these laws is considered a political classification. Prohibitory State law applies to reservation land, regulatory does not always. This allows the State and Federal justice system to enforce environmental laws. The reason they can do this is because most environmental laws are prohibitory in nature. On the one hand the Federal government sees that they probably do not have the right to enforce such laws on Indian land but they are also responsible for the welfare of the people under their guardianship clause. It appears from many reviewed cases that the Federal government chooses to enforce when it is convenient to them (www.senat.leg). It is not done the same way every time. This is one of those places where the Reservation Court would not have jurisdiction to enforce because it is Federal law and because the charge is greater than $5,000. It places the tribal enforcement in a poor place because they cannot enforce but are obliged to report. In this case, the advantage seems to be on the side of the State and Federal governments. Another legal situation that has recently come to light based on the reservations and Federal law is the case the IRS and the auction of Indian lands to pay Internal Revenue taxes. This is one of the poorest Indian Reservations in the nation. The lands belong to the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe. The Federal government says they own Federal income taxes. The tribe has been trying to develop wind energy and this is the land that is set for that development. The land to be auctioned is 7100 acres (Martin, 2009). The law says that Indian tribes are not usually susceptible to tax laws. They are when there is business entities associated with the tribe. The IRS says the
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Hume-Faith and Reason Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Hume-Faith and Reason - Essay Example Faith is necessarily an internal asset, which lies beyond the comprehension of the sensory organs. In his book â€Å"An enquiry concerning human understanding,†David Hume observes, â€Å"Our most holy religion is founded on faith not on reason; and it is a sure method of exposing it to put to such a trial as it is, by no means fitted to endure.†(Hume 1999, p.98) Instead of beating about the bush, Hume expresses his views clearly when he explains, â€Å"Divinity of theology, is it proves the existence of a Deity, and the immortality of souls, is composed partly of reasoning concerning particular, partly concerning general facts. It has a foundation in reason, so far as it is supported by experience. But its best and most solid foundation is faith and divine revelation.†(Hume 1999, p.122) Howsoever brilliant may be the rational justification for beliefs and disbeliefs, they open the door to more questions. This is the problem with the revealed knowledge that leans heavily on faith. But even for the scientist, the starting rules of the game, and the initial syllabus, are based on faith. â€Å"Each solution still gives rise to a new question as difficult as the foregoing, and leads us on to farther enquiries. When it is asked, what is the nature of all our reasoning concerning matter of fact? The proper answer seems to be, that they are founded on the relation of cause and effect. When again it is asked, what is the foundation of all our reasoning and conclusions concerning that relation? It may be replied in one word, Experience.†(Hume, 1910) Human mind accepts nothing beyond the evidence of one’s senses. It works on the foundation of reason. But again the problem is, who is to judge, or where are the resources available that one’s way of thinking is accurate representation of the operation of the external world? As many minds, so many opinions and options! The detailed analysis of this issue made by Hume and its
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Multimedia Systems And Applications Computer Science Essay
Multimedia Systems And Applications Computer Science Essay This report gives the details of multimedia computing. Multimedia computing is one of the major research topics in recent years, this field is widely using in different industries like web, gaming, telecommunications and broadcasting networks. Multimedia computing gives the detailed view of multimedia systems, multimedia applications, and multimedia softwares. It is used in presenting the text, audio, video, and graphics in different fields. The development in multimedia computing has made a strong impact on these fields. Fundamentally multimedia computing use the elements such as audio, video, personal computers, and the storage devices to get the synchronisation of animation, text, video and sound to present the information. The multimedia computing mainly depends on the systems and the human computer interaction. The input and output of the computer has changed to the window oriented display using the bitmapped displays. The stable rate in the continuous media like audio and digit al video must be considered in the multimedia input and output. Multimedia applications are now exploring the capabilities of the multimedia computing. Understanding the multimedia functionality in advanced application domains like visualization systems, intelligent interfaces, virtual reality environments, and collaboration environments provides the different possibilities which are not available previously in the human computer interaction. This report discusses the multimedia applications, multimedia systems, technologies and softwares with designs and operating systems. TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 2.1. Key Areas 3. Research Section 3.1. Multimedia systems 3.2. Multimedia technologies 3.3. Multimedia applications 4. Conclusion 5. References INTRODUCTION This paper presents the detailed research about multimedia computing and the contents of multimedia computing. The purpose of this paper is to present the detailed review about the multimedia computing which involves the concepts like multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, softwares and multimedia applications. In this presentation about the multimedia computing the challenges are it is difficult give the review because the multimedia computing is the integration of several multimedia concepts and is difficult to present them as a single component. As an MSc student, while developing a research paper the rule and regulations must have to be followed. And all the information which is required for the research has to be accessed in proper way by using the facilities provided by the university. The research paper should not create any controversy in further approach, and the details presented in the paper must be correct and honest. The main aim of this paper is to provide the det ailed view about multimedia computing and its concepts including the views like the back ground, current status of multimedia computing and possible advancements in future. To achieve this detailed research is required in the field of multimedia and in the technologies using and in the application domains. And the analysis on existing works in multimedia computing field is needed to get an idea about what currently happening in the field and to find the advantages and disadvantages, so that it is possible to know the future enhancements needed. Multimedia is the well known word and widely using in information industry. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio, video, and animation in addition to traditional media like text, graphics drawings, and imagesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . In general Multimedia can be defined as a field that integrates various forms of media such as text, audio, video, graphics with the computer-controlled integration. Multimedia concept is used to display the text, images, graphics and drawings in the form of audio and video presentations. (Dave Marshall, 2001). LITERATURE REVIEW According to Reisman (1994), the multimedia computing is the rapidly using technology to present the data in the audio and video contexts rather than in normal text and graphics format. In the present days the multimedia systems are using to display the presentations of data as a multimedia content. These systems are capable of processing the multimedia data such as audio, video, graphics, text and images. These systems having the window based display with bitmapped processing. The images and the videos presented through this displays are modified by using the different multimedia technologies like image processing, video compression, visualization etc. The present multimedia systems use the elements like audio, video, storage devices such as CD-ROMS, DVD, Hard disk to get the synchronisation of multimedia contents animation, text, video, audio. According to Different multimedia technologies are used in developing the multimedia content like audio, text, images and video. There are different approaches using in each context, like for displaying the image several processes like jpeg encoding, gif encoding and jpg encoding etc..And for video we use the mpeg-4 technology, and digital video technology is used. Similarly different approaches are used in editing graphics and animations etc. The technologies used for animations and graphics are different from the technologies used for editing of text, audio and video. In the presentation of general data as a multimedia data we need to us all these technologies at one instance, because the data is the combination of text, images, audio, video and more. (Fernando Pereira, 1999) The present multimedia is one the major field which is using in a high extent in information industry, because in any information related thing, there is a need of multimedia to present data. The multimedia is given as by the name itself, combining two or more media as one information. The multimedia concepts used in the development of games in high extent because the games developed depends on the graphics and animations, these concepts can be designed by using the different softwares like Maya , 3D max,3dsmax etc these softwares are mainly using in the development of visual effects and graphics animations etc. There are different softwares which are used to display the images, audio, text and video. The softwares like Adobe, Flash are used to edit or display the images, text, audio, video in the required format. These application softwares of multimedia containing different tools and each tool has its own specification in developing, editing or displaying the information. (Mahbubur Rahman Syed, 2008) Key areas: According to Fernando Pereira (1999), In general multimedia computing is the key area in information industry. The key areas in multimedia computing are multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications. These areas are explained in detail below. The multimedia computing has more applications and important in several fields. The multimedia computing also includes the topics like multimedia operating systems. Multimedia is mainly depends on the systems and technologies used in displaying the information and also on the multimedia softwares which are used in developing the information. To accept all these technologies and to execute the components of softwares used in developing the multimedia systems must contain the operating system which is capable of processing the multimedia components. The operating system which can capable of processing the multimedia contents like audio, video, text, graphics is known as multimedia software. The multimedia is the hot area with its applications and tools that are used in developing the multimedia components. The presenting of information which consist the audio and video along with images, graphics and animations is difficult to process, because the operating system has to run all the fields like systems and softwares and the technologies of multimedia simultaneously so that it can provides all the information in the display that contains the multimedia components. The key area in multimedia is its life cycle. The life cycle that is followed when a multimedia component is produced is known as multimedia life cycle. The life cycle consists the phases such as analysis, design, implementing, testing and executing. To develop a multimedia application such as presenting the information, gaming applications or animated displays etc, have to follow the multimedia life cycle. First we need to analyse the requirements and identfy the charecterstics and have to to the analysis abou t the designs . such that we need to clarify which designs has to be use, and which is the best software to develop the designs and the technologies that has to use. From the above analysis the implementaio or the development of the application has to done, the testing is the important phase in development, the testing has to done according to the appliction developed and the performance has to be analysed . (Ralf Steinmetz, Analyzing the Multimedia Operating systems,1995 ). RESEARCH SECTION According to Matthew E. Hodges and Sasnett(1993), Multimedia computing gives the in-depth overview of information design, advances in multimedia technology and system representations to system designers, system planners and to the users. The concepts of multimedia such as multimedia systems, multimedia designs, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications are all parts of multimedia computing. Multimedia computing is responsible for presenting the information in audio and video format. The systems which are able to process the multimedia components like data and applications are called as the multimedia systems. These systems have different characteristics, components. The characterisation of multimedia systems is based on their capability of processing, storage, manipulation, generation of multimedia information. The designs which use the multimedia concepts to present the data containing the text, images, graphics, and drawings as a multimedia presentation like audio and video format are known as multimedia designs. The designs are used based on the requirement in the presentation of data. The softwares that are used in developing the multimedia components of data are known as multimedia softwares. There are different types of softwares like adobe, flash, 3dsmax using for various applications. The multimedia computing has been using in different fields. It has a wide range of applications in various domains like gaming, World Wide Web, interactive TV, virtual reality etc. The Multimedia computing applications use the multiple fields of media sources like text, video, audio as a collection. Multimedia computing is the combination of all the above multimedia concepts. The above all concepts are explained below in detail. Multimedia computing evolved with the concepts of multimedia such as multimedia systems, multimedia technologies, multimedia softwares and multimedia applications. This research section clearly focuses on the detailed views on these multimedia fields. The existing works in these fields are described in the literature review section. 3.1. MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS According to Dave Marshall (2001), the definition for the multimedia systems can be given as the systems which are able to process the multimedia components like data and applications are called as the multimedia systems. These systems have different characteristics, components. The characterisation of multimedia systems is based on their capability of processing, storage, manipulation, generation of multimedia information. The multimedia systems use the bitmapped windows oriented displays to display the contents. These are capable of processing the multimedia contents. The multimedia computing is more dependent on the configuration of these systems. The configuration of the systems can results in the display of multimedia contents and to process some of the multimedia softwares and technologies the high configurations are required. The characteristics, challenges, key issues and the desirable features of multimedia systems are given below Characteristics of multimedia system The basic characteristics that a multimedia system is, the multimedia system should be computer-controlled. To process the multimedia components the multimedia systems should be integrated. These systems have to represent the information digitally. They have to use the interactive media as an interface for the presentation of final information. These characteristics have to be possessed by the multimedia systems. Challenges of multimedia system The multimedia systems have some challenges such as distributed networks. It is difficult to process the multimedia content over distributed networks, because different types of systems are used in different networks and the configurations are not same, so the content that is displaying may undergoes changes. And the other challenge is temporal relationship between data. This is a problem in presenting the data when there is a relationship between data using in the presenting information. This is like using the audio video for same display needs the lip sync. Key Issues The key issues in the multimedia systems are related to the representation of data such as how to store and represent the temporal data. And the issues in maintain the relationship between the temporal data in multimedia presentation. The other issues involved like data compression and representation. There is a need of compressing the data when it is using large volumes of data. And some other issues are involved related to analogue and digital data representation. (Reisman, S. 1994). 3.2. MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES According to Mahbubur Rahman Syed(2008), In general the multimedia technologies can be defined as the technologies which are used in processing of the multimedia contents to present the multimedia information. The technologies include video, audio, text, image and graphics. Each of these technologies is responsible for providing the data as multimedia content. These technologies are responsible for processing the images by using the technologies like jpeg encoding and decoding, and like the other formats gif, and jpg. And technologies that are used for encoding and compressing the videos use the MPEG-4 technologies. The technologies are based on the multimedia concepts like generations and the dimension views. The whole technologies of multimedia are responsible for presenting the data in detailed view which consist of the multimedia contents. 3.3. MULTIMEDIA APPLICATIONS According to Ralf Steinmetz and K. N. (2004). The multimedia computing has wide range applications in different fields, because the applications are used to present the information in audio and video formats. The sectors which are dealing with the processing of the information will use the multimedia applications. The applications of multimedia are used in mobiles, televisions, World Wide Web, networks, games, visual effects, digital video processing systems, hypermedia courseware, virtual reality, video conferencing etc. The applications of multimedia are designed on the basis of requirements of multimedia component presentations. The applications designed as discussed above, by using the designs, technologies and softwares. 4.CONCLUSION The present world is dependent mostly on the multimedia and its applications. The developments in this multimedia computing provide various features for the users and developers. With the applications of multimedia the information industry changed a lot. The evolution in multimedia provides the features like games, internet, and presentations of data in variety of formats. The fields of multimedia like systems, technologies, applications and softwares are all used simultaneously in the systems achieving the best results. And by overcoming the drawbacks like memory usage and temporal relationship between data, multimedia applications can processed easily and gives the best results. The above paper discussed the concepts of multimedia and key issues and desirable features of multimedia computing.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Importance of Censorship Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays
The Importance of Censorship      Censorship affects our society in many different ways, it affects the music we listen to, the movies we watch, the books we read, and many other aspects of our everyday lives. Even though many might argue that censorship doesn't really have a place in a society that emphases freedom of speech and the freedom to express oneself, but censorship is an essential and needed part of our growing society, it's needed in the television industry, the Internet, and the music industry. Censorship helps to make our world a better place because it creates a better environment for us to live in.      Censorship is an important and essential part of television. Without the presence of censorship television would be unsuitable for our younger viewers because censorship helps to filter out the appearances of nudity, real life violence, the use of profanity and other obscene gestures during the youth viewing hours. However, during the prime time viewing hours it?s a different story. The method the television stations use is a mere waste of time and money because a little symbol in the corner of the screen is not going to prevent a child from watching the program. The only way this method can work is if the parents/guardian is there to change the channel but let?s be realistic, how many parents/guardians actuarially have the time to monitor everything there children watch. So most children do end up viewing these programs anyway, and whether we like it o...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Archetypes in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay
In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain utilizes the archetypes of the Unwilling Hero, the Shape Shifter, and Haven vs. Wilderness to show that Huck Finn and Jim can find freedom all along the banks of the Mississippi River. Huck portrays the unwilling hero because he puts a lot of thought into something before he does it, even though it will benefit everybody. He is also very hesitant to perform heroic acts. The King and Duke show the archetype of the shape shifter because they are constantly lying about their identities and deceiving everybody. The Mississippi represents the characters â€Å"haven†, and Huck and Jim’s home represents the â€Å"wilderness†. Huckleberry Finn portrays the archetype of the unwilling hero. Huck is very reluctant to do the right thing, and always feels guilty about everything he does. The challenges Huck had to overcome almost caused Huck and Jim to loose their chance at finding freedom, but he always built up his courage and was pushed to fight for what he thought was right. After Tom and Huck spooked Jim, Tom wanted to take it further and â€Å"tie Jim to a tree for fun†(page 5). Huck had felt guilty for scaring Jim and didn’t want to do anymore harm, so Huck said â€Å"no; he might wake and make a disturbance†(page 5). This relates to him being an unwilling hero because you can see that Huck felt bad for doing the wrong thing and his conscience pushed him to do the right thing the second time around. Another time when Huck did something to get Jim and himself further down the river was when he said â€Å"I won’t let no runaway niggers get by me if I can help it. †(page 91). Huck then went on trying to convince himself that what he did was right. â€Å"They went off and I got aboard the raft, feeling bad and low; because I knowed very well I had done wrong, and I see if warn;t no use for me to try to learn to do right†¦then I thought a minute, and says to myself, hold on; s’pose you’d ‘a’ done right and giver Jim up, would you felt better than what you do now? No says I, I’d feel bad-I’d feel just the same way I do now. Well, then, says I, what’s the use you ain’t no trouble to do wrong. †(page 91). Huck felt guilty for lying about having Jim aboard with him, he knew that what he was doing was illegal and had trouble seeing the good in what he did. As the reader, you know that Jim is actually a good man and doesn’t deserve to be treated as a slave. But for Huck, it was a really hard struggle for him to convince himself that lying about Jim and doing the immoral thing was actually acting as the hero. Even Huck didn’t think of himself as a hero after he did this, he felt bad about what he did, but the fact that it took a lot to persuade him to feel comfortable about his decision shows that he is suitable for the unwilling hero. In the quote â€Å"I says to myself, this is another one that I’m letting his rob her of her money. And when she got through they all jest laid theirselves out to make me feel at home and know I was amongst friends. I felt so ornery and low down and mean that I says to myself, my mind’s made up; I’ll hive that money for them or bust. †(page 175), Huck had just allowed con artist to steal money from many different people and had felt guilty about it because he knew of them being shape shifters all along. When the con artists made their attempt to steal these three innocent girls inheritance, Huck felt so bad that he decided to scheme against them and steal their money back. It took a lot of courage for Huck to do this. The reader and Huck share the knowledge of knowing the King and Dukes real identity as con artists. But with Huck being inside the situation, opposed to the reader being able to see the clear decision, Huck did not want people to know that he had done this deed. This shows that he was still hesitant on wanting to do this heroic act. This is showed when Huck says â€Å"I got to do it in a way that they won’t suspicion that I done it†(page 175). Once again it takes a lot of Huck convincing himself to do this heroic act and is still unsure about it after he does this. This clearly shows Huck in the archetype of the unwilling hero. Having Huck step out of his comfort zone lead himself and Jim to freedom, but Huck would not have been able to show as much courage if it weren’t for the archetype of the shapeshifter portrayed by the King and Duke. The Duke and King are always lying about their identity and changing their story, they deceive many people including Jim, threatening Huck and Jim’s chance at freedom. The Duke and King began their role as shape shifters when they were first introduced in the novel. Huck and Jim were fooled by them for a bit, but it didn’t take long for Huck to figure out that these were con artists. Having two shape shifters aboard with them also got Huck to explore his role as the unwilling hero more. You can see this by the way he doesn’t want to say he knows who they really are. â€Å"It didn’t take me long to make up my mind that these liars warn’t no Kings nor Dukes at all, but just low down humbugs and frauds. But I never said nothing, never let on; kept it to myself; it’s the best way; then you don’t have no quarrels, and don’t get into no trouble. †(page 125). The King and Duke scammed a whole town out of $87. 75 by making up a make story just to make some quick money. â€Å"He told them he was a pirate-been a pirate for thirty years†¦he’d been robbed last night and put ashore off of a steamboat without a cent†¦and put in the rest of his life trying to turn the pirates into the true path†(page 131) Because the town people thought that their story was so heart touching they decided to give them a lot of money even though they didn’t need it at all. This shows how ruthless these characters actually are even thought they come across as kind people. The King and Dukes final example of being shape shifters was when they sold Jim back as a slave. By doing this Huck and Jim finally realize how cruel and rotten these people are. They completely betrayed the people who had helped these con artists escape down the river buy selling Jim back into slavery for a very small price. This shows their true character and makes Huck so angry, that he finally decides to step up and become Jim’s hero. It was very common for the Duke and King to do this, but it took a lot of courage for Huck to finally decide to rescue Jim. This was Huck’s major act that can be seen as the unwilling hero and the final step into securing Jim’s freedom. All of that can be seen when Huck says â€Å"After all we had done for those scoundrels, here it was all come to nothing, everything was all busted up and ruined, because they could have the heart to sever Jim suck a trick as that, and make him a slave again all his life, and amongst strangers, too, for forty dirty dollars†(page 211). Even though the King and Duke where very deceiving shape shifters, they help Huck realize that the Mississippi River was where he could find his freedom and that the river was his â€Å"haven†. Haven vs. Wilderness is another archetype that is prominent in the novel. Huck and Jim spend almost all of the story out on the Mississippi River, but just because it is in the Wilderness doesn’t mean that that is their â€Å"Wilderness†. The story starts off with Huck explaining that he has a bad home life. His father is always drunk and doesn’t take care of him, so he lives with the widow. The widow is in full control of Huck and he hates it. He is the kind of person who loves to have freedom and is always striving for it. That is the same for Jim, he is a slave that almost gets sold for money, but all he wants is freedom. Both Huck and Jim’s home lives are not what either of them are looking for. This shows that this part of their lives is actually the Wilderness because to them they are unhappy and not comfortable. This is showed when Huck says â€Å"Pretty soon I wanted to smoke, and asked the widow to let me, but she wouldn’t. †(page 2). Huck and Jim end up running away and spending their lives out on the Mississippi River, hoping that eventually they will cross the border and Huck will have the freedom he wanted and Jim will no longer be a slave. Throughout the story the reader starts to realized that the Mississippi River represents freedom and Huck and Jim have actually found their haven out on the river with each other. Both of them achieve the freedom they want and have a good time exploring and meeting new people (and smoking tobacco). This life is exciting and thrilling for them and is actually what they aspired from the beginning. This is why the Mississippi River is their Haven. You know when Huck gets away when you read â€Å"I fooled pap and got away†(page 30). You can also see how Jim was treated when he says â€Å"I hear old missus tell de wider she gwyne to sell me down to Orleans, but she didn’t want to, but she could git eight hund’d dollars for me, en it ‘uz sich a big stack o’ money she couldn’ resis’. †(page 43). By the end of the book Huck is saying that he is going to have to stay with his Aunt because his father died and his Aunt couldn’t just let him go. When Huck says â€Å"Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and civilize me, and I can’t stand it. I been there before. †(page 293). Huck is upset about being adopted because you can see that he loved being on the raft with all of the excitement and freedom. Huck is put back into the â€Å"Wilderness†and finally realizes that what he wants (what his haven is), is to be out exploring the world with his buddies Tom and Jim. Even though this is opposite from what you would expect a haven and a wilderness to be it is what made Huck happy and kept the novel interesting. These places are where Huck finally realized that for the first time in his life he had the freedom that he had always wanted. Through all the example you can see how Mark Twain used the archetypes of the Unwilling Hero, the Shape Shifter, and Haven vs. Wilderness to demonstrate a struggle to freedom in the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn is the Unwilling hero because it takes a lot of persuading for him to do the right thing, but in the end he always does. The King and Duke display the Shape Shifter archetype because of how deceiving and two faced they are around everybody. Finally the Mississippi River represents the characters â€Å"Haven†and Huck and Jim’s home represent â€Å"Wilderness†because of how unhappy they are at home opposed to the river where they are both happy. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a very inspirational story of Huck performing selfless heroic acts and will leave you feeling good and hopeful for the characters in their future.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Batman vs. the Bull
You might say that he Is collecting nonsense which Is Just for fun because he Is a child playing a child's game. He Is running through a forest collecting the rubbish. In fairy tales forests are usually a place where everything can happen. It Is a place where the hero Is away from home and I not In control of things happening. It Is also a place for change. Running through the forest Casey meets a man. The man seems to know where Casey can find more rubbish to win the game. Casey takes his hand and follows the man in the belief that there is more rubbish to be found so that he can win over the other children.Sticking to the idea that the rubbish he is collecting is nonsense which is just for fun as in a child's game, Casey is following the man searching for more time to add to his childhood. Going further and further into the forest Casey finds out that there is no more rubbish and that the man has been lying to him. Casey turns around and runs away from the man who is following him. Case's attempt to reach the safety of the garden from which he came fails. He has passed a point of no return in his process of growing up. He is no longer allowed into the garden of safety and childhood.When the man catches Casey he turns into a lull. â€Å"The man was engorged, muscles ripping his clothes and meat spewing out of the torn seams. Two great horns curled out of his forehead, and his eyes filled with black ink. His shoes disintegrated as the cloven feet within split the leather†(II. 97-100). A bull is one of the shapes which the Greek mythological creature Pan is able to turn into. Pan is particularly known for having seduced several women. He is often associated with sexuality, lust and fertility: â€Å"The bull was right over him, his enormous balls swinging between his legs†(II. 101-102).Pan does also appear In the happen of the devil which the bull is described looking a lot like with the two curled horns on his forehead. The devil is tempting the boy into growing up, and Casey Is trying to stay a child forever. You cannot however stay a child forever, and now the bull Is forcing him to grow up by Introducing him to sexuality. Trying to make the bull let go of him, Casey pulls out his penknife key ring. This Is a symbol of his penis which at this point is very small and Ineffective, because he Is still Just a child. He has not yet grown up and experienced his own sexuality. Up until now the penis has only been for peeing.Casey finds out that the penknife does not work the way he wants It to and therefore he pulls out his samurai sword. This phallus symbolizes that Casey has now grown up and experienced sexuality. HIS penis has grown Into a better functioning weapon to handle life with. Casey kills the bull with his samurai sword which symbolizes that he has grown up and taken over the power of sexuality. After the house and the garden from where he originally came. Casey however chooses to walk the other way symbolizing that he is now a grownup. He turns his back on childhood because no one can stay child forever.
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