Tuesday, August 25, 2020
training children and pets Essay
preparing kids and pets Essay preparing kids and pets Essay â€Å"Training kids and petsâ€Å" The primary goal of the main case is to discover a technique with support since we need positive conduct, as quick as could reasonably be expected. So as to get positive conduct, we need an upgrade or a thing. Most importantly, we can utilize encouraging feedback to accomplish the conduct we are searching for little kid. We will require an upgrade to assist her with foregetting what she needs right now, and attempt to make her consider the circumstance. In the event that a youngster gets mindful of the upgrade, it might stop her fierceness to get the advantages. For instance I am utilizing circumstance, which had place in my life. During the previous summer I went with my mother and two little siblings to tennis training. After training our mom conclude that we are going to mall, since she have to purchase present for grandmother’s birthday. Young men were worn out after training and they began to yell â€Å"We would prefer not to go to the mall !â€Å". Mother said that the re is no conversation, since we need to purchase this blessing. Marek and Jaan were all the while yelling that they would prefer not to go there. They demonstrated unsuitable conduct. At that point mother stated, on the off chance that they will go back and forth with us, they would be albe to play on Ipad in transit home. They quickly halted their off-base conduct and went quietly to the strip mall with us. As I would see it is a genuine case of encouraging feedback, since when mother has proposed them reward they rapidly change conduct. In transit home I could watch case of negative fortification. As mother chose before as a prize they got Ipad to play during movement to home. Toward the starting young men were playing together, sharing Ipad at regular intervals. be that as it may... Following 20 minutes we had gigantic war in the vehicle, Marek and Jaan were battling with one another and yelling so uproarious. Mother couldn't drive, it was extremely hazardous circumstance so I ch ose to take Ipad and attempt to stop their off-base conduct. As I would see it this is generally excellent case of negative support, in light of the fact that by taking Ipad I halted young men awful conduct. In the subsequent case, we need to consider that canines can't reason like people do, so we need to utilize various techniques to shape their conduct. In the event that we need to change hounds behavaior we need to utilize positive reinforcer, we need to remunerate him for good conduct or executed order. For instance if hound begins to bark we should remain before him
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Philosophy as Metaphysics :: Philosophical Papers
Theory as Metaphysics (1) Conceptual: Philosophy works with unique sorts of articles: the totalities. The fundamental qualities of this kind of item are their mystical, supernatural, and all out character. The character of these items decides the particularity of language and the techniques for theory. The language of reasoning speaks to representative language; hypothesis is the essential technique for theory. From one viewpoint, objects of this sort accentuation homo sapien as forces equipped for developing such items, which thus expect the capacity of human cognizance to make manufactured acts. Based on reasoning as power, a unique methodology is offered which partitions the historical backdrop of theory into periods just as giving examination of various philosophical frameworks. Highlight of philosophical action, as against a science, is the work with uncommon, not physical items †the totalities, which are established by the logician. One of such items is the world, and, in this sense, we regularly state, that way of thinking is a wel-tanschauung (world-viewpoint) . Positively, the world as some arrangement of things can be concentrated by material science (sciences from a wide perspective), however for this situation a scientist can overlook what's really important that the world is a totality, not only a straightforward arrangement of things. As particular from logical examination the way of thinking accepts its items as the totalities, which the subject of information can't concentrate as customary articles, on the grounds that the including the learning subject character of these the totalities prohibits any standard logical way to deal with information on a basic level. Others instances of the previously mentioned objects (the totalities) are Ego a nd God. Objects of this sort (with certain reservations) are a great deal of individual marvels, for example, love, temperance, still, small voice, fearlessness, valiance, understanding, etc. Every one of these articles are those, that the exact fixing of target standards of their reality is outlandish, it is difficult to make the high-grade hypothesis of these wonders (for instance, hypothesis of adoration or courage), as they expect not just goal Contemplator (as it happens if there should arise an occurrence of objects of logical information), yet additionally hypothesize the Actor inside them, that causes basically twinkling method of them being.(2) Exactly the character of these items decided basic highlights of the philosophizing as supernatural movement. The underlining of magical character of theory objects directs the unique strategies of work with them, unmistakable from of techniques for logical information. Powerful articles †develops can't be given in systems of physical experience; the examination †building of these items happens by a perspective methods, methodology of hypothesis.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Answe The Q Example
Answe The Q Example Answe The Q â€" Assignment Example > @2010 GENERALProvide detailed description (with illustrations) of the Moderators of market orientation, and discuss their link to “strategic marketing management†and “organizational performanceâ€Market orientation is basically a company’s philosophy which is aimed at identifying and meeting the needs of its clients, through a well planned product mix. One moderator of market orientation is competitive environment. A competitive environment provides a consumers with many options and alternatives from where he or she can buy from, hence the need for the manufacturer or supplier to find a way to ensure full satisfaction of the customer, so that the customer will identify the company or manufacturer as the producer of choice. A competitive environment determines various activities and precautions to take while carrying out market orientation. Market turbulence also greatly influences how an organization will come up with a marketing orientation. Some trends in certain market s make it a bit hard to predict what will be happening next, and thus it is extremely difficult to come up with policies which will last for along time. For example, when demand of a product rises sharply and falls within a short period of time, and this happens repeatedly over a period of time, it is difficult to come up with fixed prices due to these price fluctuations. On the other hand, a producer can not bank very much on a product which can easily find a complete substitute from another competitor. The producer should therefore thoroughly study the existing market trends before coming up with a market orientation (Kim and Ye 2004). Some products are subject to technological advancement and change. Whenever a corporation’s main product line consists of items which we can term as bleeding technology, there is always a possibility that the item will be in the market for quite some time. However, many products tend to be easily overtaken by newer technology and so there is a n eed for a firm to keep carrying out inventions and innovations in order to stay abreast of technological advancements. Technological turbulence therefore affects market orientation to a great extent. These moderators of market orientation determine how an organization defines its business, missions and goals because they determine how marketing concepts will be implemented. They determine the product mix and the pricing, target market and how a company is going to meet the satisfaction of the consumer. This means that when coming up with a strategic marketing policy, these moderators will determine the necessary plans that a company will take. Since they affect the nature of production which is carried out by the organization, they affect the output from the organization and therefore when coming up with an organizational performance policy, they will greatly be featured. (B) CASE STUDYHow would you describe Samsungs marketing strategy within the Canadian Consumer Electronic Market in terms of their segmentation, targeting and positioning within this sector? In terms of segmentations and targeting, Samsung went ahead to come up with four different homogenous groups, which are the high income families, the young generation, business users and the hobbyists. These four segments enabled Samsung to narrow down to the needs of each specific group and produce and market appropriately and at affordable prices. The corporation has put great efforts to maintain a product mix that meets the needs and preferences of each of these groups. Each of these groups not only has a different purchasing power, but responds uniquely to a marketing mix and is substantial enough to be profitable. This was a perfect approach considering the diversity in the Canadian market.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Waste Management - 1349 Words
Waste Management is a publically traded Houston, Texas based waste and environmental services company. Founded in 1894, Waste Management is the largest disposal company in North America, handling over half of the garbage pickup in the United States. In 1998, Waste Management was involved in the largest accounting scandal involving an American company to date. Under the company’s founder and chairman Dean Buntrock, Waste Management implemented unsavory accounting practices which directly inflated the company’s net income by $1.7 billion in 1998. Though the accounting fraud was multifaceted, the firm’s method of depreciating property, plant, and equipment was perhaps the most deceptive. The company used the straight line method of†¦show more content†¦Additionally, Waste Management failed to record a variety of other expense; most notably, the company did not record depletion expense on their landfills as they were filled. Again by not recording this Depletion Expense, Waste Management understated its expense and overstated its net revenue. As a result of these questionable accounting practices, Waste Management’s stock price dropped significantly in November 1998. Soon after, the company faced a shareholder class- action lawsuit which they settled for $457 million. The Securities and Exchange Commission began an investigation which resulted in a lawsuit against six of Waste Management’s most senior executives including Dean Buntrock in U.S. District Court in Chicago. Burtrock and other senior leaders were found guilty of intentionally and knowingly using fraudulent accounting practices to mislead investors. Buntrock and the other executives cumulatively agreed to pay $17.1 million for misleading investors. The SEC also fined Waste Management’s doomed ‘independent†auditor Arthur Anderson $7 million. Following the lawsuits and investigations, Waste Management restructured its company and hired all new leadership and a new auditor. Today, this accounting scandal is largely a forgotten mem ory and Waste Management continues to be one of the most important and largest environmental services companies in the world. The Waste Management accounting scandal is aShow MoreRelatedThe Waste Of Waste Management946 Words  | 4 Pagesa work of art, but realized that the landfill imposes a lot of danger to us and our environment. Methods such as burying, burning, and using trash as energy supply has been tested to reduce the amount of trash in landfills. Companies such as Waste Management Inc. (largest trash company) was responsible for dealing with trash and landfills, but failed to emphasize recycling and reusable materials, which increased our landfills. 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The term usually relates to materials produced by human activity, and is generally undertaken to reduce their effect on health, the environment or aesthetics. Waste management is also carried out to recover resources from it. Waste management can involve solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive substances, with different methods and fields of expertise for each.†Waste managementRead MoreWaste Collection and Management556 Words  | 2 Pages(2006).The example from the EXNORA’s waste management scheme in south India is one more very good example.EXNORA which is an acronym for ‘‘EXcellent NOvel RAdical’’ is an NGO which is based on the zero waste management setup, and which is run and enhanced by the residents themselves. The study has been quoted successful widely and various studies have been carried out regarding this. In Chennai and Hyderabad various residential areas have attained the zero waste goal. Though the success is limitedRead MoreWaste Management, Inc.980 Words  | 4 Pages Company Overview Waste Management, Inc. (NYSE:WM) is the leading provider of comprehensive Waste Management and environmental services in North America. It is established in 1971 and headquartered in Houston, Texas. In 2014, its total number of employees reached up 42,700 with a revenue of $ 13.99 Billion (Wikipedia 2015). The company provides private and commercial waste services, including collection, transfer, recycling and resource recovery, and disposal services. Sustainability Practices:Read MoreEffective Waste Management794 Words  | 3 PagesWaste has been around for thousands of years, yet it still remains an issue today for countries to collect and dispose of waste effectively (Samah 1810). Managing waste has become a larger issue recently than it was in years past due to an increase of the world population. As a result of poor waste management, several issues have risen. Current methods of waste disposal, such as incinerators and landfills, have several downfalls associated with them due to the pollution these methods of disposal
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Cognitive Dysfunction Relating to Schizophrenia Essay
Cognitive Dysfunction Relating to Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is often a chronic relapsing psychotic disorder that disrupts normal thought, speech, and behavior. It is a cluster of severe prolonged mental disturbances that â€Å"...is by far the most chronic and disabling of the major mental disorders. This disease may be one disorder, or it may be many disorders, with different causes†(Andreasen Schutlz, 1999). It is a disease that makes it difficult for a person to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences. In addition, â€Å"it enables the person to think logically, to have normal emotional responses to others, and to behave normally in social situations†(Andreasen, 1999). People with schizophrenia may have†¦show more content†¦However, usually the illness develops slowly over months or even years. At first, the symptoms may not be noticed or may be confused with those of other conditions. â€Å"Schizophrenia is characterized by a constellation of distinctive and predictable symp toms. The symptoms that are generally associated with the disease are called positive â€Å"psychotic†symptoms, which denote the presence of grossly abnormal behavior. These abnormal behaviors include thought disorder, delusions, and hallucinations†(Frith, 1995). The positive symptoms of schizophrenia are among its most striking features and they are the most difficult to understand. Hearing voices talking to you, experiencing alien thoughts being inserted into your mind, and believing that alien forces are controlling your most trivial actions are as well outside the normal range of experience. In addition, such experiences are very rarely reported by neurological patients. In consequence, neuropsychological tests relevant to the cognitive processes underlying these symptoms have not yet been developed (Andreasen, 1999). Delusions are common among individuals with schizophrenia. These are false beliefs that appear obviously untrue to other people. An affected person â€Å"begins to believe that people are reading their minds or plottingShow MoreRelatedAutism Spectrum Disorder ( Asd )798 Words  | 4 Pages set of everyday life (Happà ©, 2006). The third theory, is Executive Dysfunction, relating to impairments in the executive functions. The various hypothesis of the theories regarding Autism cannot fully explain all the areas of disabilities, but they can attempt to try with neurological and psychological research. For this review, we will give light to literature regarding working memory deficits viewed in Executive dysfunction regards individuals with Autism. 2. Executive Functions ExecutiveRead MoreCurrent Event Psychology Article Review1433 Words  | 6 Pagesthought process and planning made by the parents is rather extensive. There are many factors at play that parents must keep in mind. They have to consider social and cultural issues, the ethics involved in the matter, as well as personal dynamics relating to psychology. The goal of the parents wasn’t a mere attempt to force traditional roles and values onto their children. However, they were respectful to their child own values. Parents and teachers would be more aware, constructive, and active participantRead More Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Schizophrenia Essay2374 Words  | 10 PagesPsychosocial Rehabilitation for Schizophrenia nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Psychosocial rehabilitation is a learning based approach using a token economy and social skill training to help patients with schizophrenia develop adaptive behaviors (Nevid, Rathus, amp; Green, 2003). 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I selected this therapy because it is straight forward like me. The subjects that will be discussed within this paper comprise of its history, families dealing with mental disorders, medical family therapy, short-term educational programs, and a brief summary. Merriam-Webster’s Medical Dictionary lists the definition of psychoeducational is â€Å"of or relating to the psychological aspects of education; specifically: relating to or used in the educationRead MoreThe Relationship between Genetics and Violence Essay1442 Words  | 6 Pagesrule that men should direct the activities of their wives and children†(Blume 1996:11). However, as society moved away from a strictly patriarchal mindset, violence became less accepted. Due to this, reports of violence increased, especially those relating to domestic violence. As an attempt to rationalize the increased reports of violent acts, several theories came about. One of these theories was the functional analysis theory. 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Counterbalancing addiction, therapeutic uses of cannabinoids regarding obesity, anorexia, emesis, pain, inflammation, and several other diseasesRead MoreA Genetic Review Of Schizophreni Research Progress Of Chromosomes 22 And 83307 Words  | 14 PagesDecember 1, 2014 A Genetic Review of Schizophrenia: Research progress of chromosomes 22 and 8 Present to: Geraldine Boyden By: Quiana Jones Core Articles: Gill M, Vallada H, Collier D et al: A combined analysis of D22S278 marker alleles in affected sib-pairs: support for a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia at chromosome 22q12. Am J Med Genet Neuropsychiatr Genet 1996; 67: 40–45. Polymeropoulos MH, Coon H, Byerley W, et al: Search for schizophrenia susceptibility locus on human chromosomeRead MoreAntipsychotics and Yoga Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment for Schizophrenia2192 Words  | 9 PagesAntipsychotic Medications and Yoga Therapy as an Adjunct Treatment for Schizophrenia Sarah Garrabrant University of South Florida Introduction Schizophrenia is a severe form of mental illness classified in the DSM IV-TR as a Psychotic disorder. It is characterize by broad impairments in cognition that place limitations on recovery (Eack, 2012, p. 235). Antipsychotic drugs are the first line of treatment for Schizophrenic patients, but come with adverse side-effects and many patients areRead MoreThe Types Of Mental Illnesses1760 Words  | 8 Pages Types of Mental Illnesses Mental illness is divided up into two categories of mental illness Psychosis and Neurosis. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Lost Symbol Chapter 24-25 Free Essays
CHAPTER 24 The revelation crashed over Langdon like a wave. I know why I am here. Standing in the center of the Rotunda, Langdon felt a powerful urge to turn and run away . We will write a custom essay sample on The Lost Symbol Chapter 24-25 or any similar topic only for you Order Now . . from Peter’s hand, from the shining gold ring, from the suspicious eyes of Sato and Anderson. Instead, he stood dead still, clinging more tightly to the leather daybag that hung on his shoulder. I’ve got to get out of here. His jaw clenched as his memory began replaying the scene from that cold morning, years ago in Cambridge. It was six A.M. and Langdon was entering his classroom as he always did following his ritual morning laps in the Harvard Pool. The familiar smells of chalk dust and steam heat greeted him as he crossed the threshold. He took two steps toward his desk but stopped short. A figure was waiting there for him–an elegant gentleman with an aquiline face and regal gray eyes. â€Å"Peter?†Langdon stared in shock. Peter Solomon’s smile flashed white in the dimly lit room. â€Å"Good morning, Robert. Surprised to see me?†His voice was soft, and yet there was power there. Langdon hurried over and warmly shook his friend’s hand. â€Å"What in the world is a Yale blue blood doing on the Crimson campus before dawn?†â€Å"Covert mission behind enemy lines,†Solomon said, laughing. He motioned to Langdon’s trim waistline. â€Å"Laps are paying off. You’re in good shape.†â€Å"Just trying to make you feel old,†Langdon said, toying with him. â€Å"It’s great to see you, Peter. What’s up?†â€Å"Short business trip,†the man replied, glancing around the deserted classroom. â€Å"I’m sorry to drop in on you like this, Robert, but I have only a few minutes. There’s something I needed to ask you . . . in person. A favor.†That’s a first. Langdon wondered what a simple college professor could possibly do for the man who had everything. â€Å"Anything at all,†he replied, pleased for any opportunity to do something for someone who had given him so much, especially when Peter’s life of good fortune had also been marred by so much tragedy. Solomon lowered his voice. â€Å"I was hoping you would consider looking after something for me.†Langdon rolled his eyes. â€Å"Not Hercules, I hope.†Langdon had once agreed to take care of Solomon’s hundred-fifty-pound mastiff, Hercules, during Solomon’s travels. While at Langdon’s home, the dog apparently had become homesick for his favorite leather chew toy and had located a worthy substitute in Langdon’s study–an original vellum, hand-calligraphed, illuminated Bible from the 1600s. Somehow â€Å"bad dog†didn’t quite seem adequate. â€Å"You know, I’m still searching for a replacement,†Solomon said, smiling sheepishly. â€Å"Forget it. I’m glad Hercules got a taste of religion.†Solomon chuckled but seemed distracted. â€Å"Robert, the reason I came to see you is I’d like you to keep an eye on something that is quite valuable to me. I inherited it a while back, but I’m no longer comfortable leaving it in my home or in my office.†Langdon immediately felt uncomfortable. Anything â€Å"quite valuable†in Peter Solomon’s world had to be worth an absolute fortune. â€Å"How about a safe-deposit box?†Doesn’t your family have stock in half the banks in America? â€Å"That would involve paperwork and bank employees; I’d prefer a trusted friend. And I know you can keep secrets.†Solomon reached in his pocket and pulled out a small package, handing it to Langdon. Considering the dramatic preamble, Langdon had expected something more impressive. The package was a small cube-shaped box, about three inches square, wrapped in faded brown packing paper and tied with twine. From the package’s heavy weight and size, it felt like its contents must be rock or metal. This is it? Langdon turned the box in his hands, now noticing the twine had been carefully secured on one side with an embossed wax seal, like an ancient edict. The seal bore a double-headed phoenix with the number 33 emblazoned on its chest–the traditional symbol of the highest degree of Freemasonry. â€Å"Really, Peter,†Langdon said, a lopsided grin creeping across his face. â€Å"You’re the Worshipful Master of a Masonic lodge, not the pope. Sealing packages with your ring?†Solomon glanced down at his gold ring and gave a chuckle. â€Å"I didn’t seal this package, Robert. My great-grandfather did. Almost a century ago.†Langdon’s head snapped up. â€Å"What?!†Solomon held up his ring finger. â€Å"This Masonic ring was his. After that, it was my grandfather’s, then my father’s . . . and eventually mine.†Langdon held up the package. â€Å"Your great-grandfather wrapped this a century ago and nobody has opened it?†â€Å"That’s right.†â€Å"But . . . why not?†Solomon smiled. â€Å"Because it’s not time.†Langdon stared. â€Å"Time for what?†â€Å"Robert, I know this will sound odd, but the less you know, the better. Just put this package somewhere safe, and please tell no one I gave it to you.†Langdon searched his mentor’s eyes for a glint of playfulness. Solomon had a propensity for dramatics, and Langdon wondered if he wasn’t being played a bit here. â€Å"Peter, are you sure this isn’t just a clever ploy to make me think I’ve been entrusted with some kind of ancient Masonic secret so I’ll be curious and decide to join?†â€Å"The Masons do not recruit, Robert, you know that. Besides, you’ve already told me you’d prefer not to join.†This was true. Langdon had great respect for Masonic philosophy and symbolism, and yet he had decided never to be initiated; the order’s vows of secrecy would prevent him from discussing Freemasonry with his students. It had been for this same reason that Socrates had refused to formally participate in the Eleusinian Mysteries. As Langdon now regarded the mysterious little box and its Masonic seal, he could not help but ask the obvious question. â€Å"Why not entrust this to one of your Masonic brothers?†â€Å"Let’s just say I have an instinct it would be safer stored outside the brotherhood. And please don’t let the size of this package fool you. If what my father told me is correct, then it contains something of substantial power.†He paused. â€Å"A talisman, of sorts.†Did he say a talisman? By definition, a talisman was an object with magical powers. Traditionally, talismans were used for bringing luck, warding off evil spirits, or aiding in ancient rituals. â€Å"Peter, you do realize that talismans went out of vogue in the Middle Ages, right?†Peter laid a patient hand on Langdon’s shoulder. â€Å"I know how this sounds, Robert. I’ve known you a long time, and your skepticism is one of your greatest strengths as an academic. It is also your greatest weakness. I know you well enough to know you’re not a man I can ask to believe . . . only to trust. So now I am asking you to trust me when I tell you this talisman is powerful. I was told it can imbue its possessor with the ability to bring order from chaos.†Langdon could only stare. The idea of â€Å"order from chaos†was one of the great Masonic axioms. Ordo ab chao. Even so, the claim that a talisman could impart any power at all was absurd, much less the power to bring order from chaos. â€Å"This talisman,†Solomon continued, â€Å"would be dangerous in the wrong hands, and unfortunately, I have reason to believe powerful people want to steal it from me.†His eyes were as serious as Langdon could ever recall. â€Å"I would like you to keep it safe for me for a while. Can you do that?†That night, Langdon sat alone at his kitchen table with the package and tried to imagine what could possibly be inside. In the end, he simply chalked it up to Peter’s eccentricity and locked the package in his library’s wall safe, eventually forgetting all about it. That was . . . until this morning. The phone call from the man with the southern accent. â€Å"Oh, Professor, I almost forgot!†the assistant had said after giving Langdon the specifics of his travel arrangements to D.C. â€Å"There is one more thing Mr. Solomon requested.†â€Å"Yes?†Langdon replied, his mind already moving to the lecture he had just agreed to give. â€Å"Mr. Solomon left a note here for you.†The man began reading awkwardly, as if trying to decipher Peter’s penmanship. â€Å"`Please ask Robert . . . to bring . . . the small, sealed package I gave him many years ago.’ †The man paused. â€Å"Does this make any sense to you?†Langdon felt surprised as he recalled the small box that had been sitting in his wall safe all this time. â€Å"Actually, yes. I know what Peter means.†â€Å"And you can bring it?†â€Å"Of course. Tell Peter I’ll bring it.†â€Å"Wonderful.†The assistant sounded relieved. â€Å"Enjoy your speech tonight. Safe travels.†Before leaving home, Langdon had dutifully retrieved the wrapped package from the back of his safe and placed it in his shoulder bag. Now he was standing in the U.S. Capitol, feeling certain of only one thing. Peter Solomon would be horrified to know how badly Langdon had failed him. CHAPTER 25 My God, Katherine was right. As usual. Trish Dunne stared in amazement at the search-spider results that were materializing on the plasma wall before her. She had doubted the search would turn up any results at all, but in fact, she now had over a dozen hits. And they were still coming in. One entry in particular looked quite promising. Trish turned and shouted in the direction of the library. â€Å"Katherine? I think you’ll want to see this!†It had been a couple of years since Trish had run a search spider like this, and tonight’s results astounded her. A few years ago, this search would have been a dead end. Now, however, it seemed that the quantity of searchable digital material in the world had exploded to the point where someone could find literally anything. Incredibly, one of the keywords was a word Trish had never even heard before . . . and the search even found that. Katherine rushed through the control-room door. â€Å"What have you got?†â€Å"A bunch of candidates.†Trish motioned to the plasma wall. â€Å"Every one of these documents contains all of your key phrases verbatim.†Katherine tucked her hair behind her ear and scanned the list. â€Å"Before you get too excited,†Trish added, â€Å"I can assure you that most of these documents are not what you’re looking for. They’re what we call black holes. Look at the file sizes. Absolutely enormous. They’re things like compressed archives of millions of e-mails, giant unabridged encyclopedia sets, global message boards that have been running for years, and so forth. By virtue of their size and diverse content, these files contain so many potential keywords that they suck in any search engine that comes anywhere near them.†Katherine pointed to one of the entries near the top of the list. â€Å"How about that one?†Trish smiled. Katherine was a step ahead, having found the sole file on the list that had a small file size. â€Å"Good eyes. Yeah, that’s really our only candidate so far. In fact, that file’s so small it can’t be more than a page or so.†â€Å"Open it.†Katherine’s tone was intense. Trish could not imagine a one-page document containing all the strange search strings Katherine had provided. Nonetheless, when she clicked and opened the document, the key phrases were there . . . crystal clear and easy to spot in the text. Katherine strode over, eyes riveted to the plasma wall. â€Å"This document is . . . redacted?†Trish nodded. â€Å"Welcome to the world of digitized text.†Automatic redaction had become standard practice when offering digitized documents. Redaction was a process wherein a server allowed a user to search the entire text, but then revealed only a small portion of it–a teaser of sorts–only that text immediately flanking the requested keywords. By omitting the vast majority of the text, the server avoided copyright infringement and also sent the user an intriguing message: I have the information you’re searching for, but if you want the rest of it, you’ll have to buy it from me. â€Å"As you can see,†Trish said, scrolling through the heavily abridged page, â€Å"the document contains all of your key phrases.†Katherine stared up at the redaction in silence. Trish gave her a minute and then scrolled back to the top of the page. Each of Katherine’s key phrases was underlined in capital letters and accompanied by a small sample of teaser text–the two words that appeared on either side of the requested phrase. Trish could not imagine what this document was referring to. And what the heck is a â€Å"symbolon†? Katherine stepped eagerly toward the screen. â€Å"Where did this document come from? Who wrote it?†Trish was already working on it. â€Å"Give me a second. I’m trying to chase down the source.†â€Å"I need to know who wrote this,†Katherine repeated, her voice intense. â€Å"I need to see the rest of it.†â€Å"I’m trying,†Trish said, startled by the edge in Katherine’s tone. Strangely, the file’s location was not displaying as a traditional Web address but rather as a numeric Internet Protocol address. â€Å"I can’t unmask the IP,†Trish said. â€Å"The domain name’s not coming up. Hold on.†She pulled up her terminal window. â€Å"I’ll run a traceroute.†Trish typed the sequence of commands to ping all the â€Å"hops†between her control room’s machine and whatever machine was storing this document. â€Å"Tracing now,†she said, executing the command. Traceroutes were extremely fast, and a long list of network devices appeared almost instantly on the plasma wall. Trish scanned down . . . down . . . through the path of routers and switches that connected her machine to . . . What the hell? Her trace had stopped before reaching the document’s server. Her ping, for some reason, had hit a network device that swallowed it rather than bouncing it back. â€Å"It looks like my traceroute got blocked,†Trish said. Is that even possible? â€Å"Run it again.†Trish launched another traceroute and got the same result. â€Å"Nope. Dead end. It’s like this document is on a server that is untraceable.†She looked at the last few hops before the dead end. â€Å"I can tell you, though, it’s located somewhere in the D.C. area.†â€Å"You’re kidding.†â€Å"Not surprising,†Trish said. â€Å"These spider programs spiral out geographically, meaning the first results are always local. Besides, one of your search strings was `Washington, D.C.’ â€Å" â€Å"How about a `who is’ search?†Katherine prompted. â€Å"Wouldn’t that tell you who owns the domain?†A bit lowbrow, but not a bad idea. Trish navigated to the â€Å"who is†database and ran a search for the IP, hoping to match the cryptic numbers to an actual domain name. Her frustration was now tempered by rising curiosity. Who has this document? The â€Å"who is†results appeared quickly, showing no match, and Trish held up her hands in defeat. â€Å"It’s like this IP address doesn’t exist. I can’t get any information about it at all.†â€Å"Obviously the IP exists. We’ve just searched a document that’s stored there!†True. And yet whoever had this document apparently preferred not to share his or her identity. â€Å"I’m not sure what to tell you. Systems traces aren’t really my thing, and unless you want to call in someone with hacking skills, I’m at a loss.†â€Å"Do you know someone?†Trish turned and stared at her boss. â€Å"Katherine, I was kidding. It’s not exactly a great idea.†â€Å"But it is done?†She checked her watch. â€Å"Um, yeah . . . all the time. Technically it’s pretty easy.†â€Å"Who do you know?†â€Å"Hackers?†Trish laughed nervously. â€Å"Like half the guys at my old job.†â€Å"Anyone you trust?†Is she serious? Trish could see Katherine was dead serious. â€Å"Well, yeah,†she said hurriedly. â€Å"I know this one guy we could call. He was our systems security specialist–serious computer geek. He wanted to date me, which kind of sucked, but he’s a good guy, and I’d trust him. Also, he does freelance.†â€Å"Can he be discreet?†â€Å"He’s a hacker. Of course he can be discreet. That’s what he does. But I’m sure he’d want at least a thousand bucks to even look–â€Å" â€Å"Call him. Offer him double for fast results.†Trish was not sure what made her more uncomfortable–helping Katherine Solomon hire a hacker . . . or calling a guy who probably still found it impossible to believe a pudgy, redheaded metasystems analyst would rebuff his romantic advances. â€Å"You’re sure about this?†â€Å"Use the phone in the library,†Katherine said. â€Å"It’s got a blocked number. And obviously don’t use my name.†â€Å"Right.†Trish headed for the door but paused when she heard Katherine’s iPhone chirp. With luck, the incoming text message might be information that would grant Trish a reprieve from this distasteful task. She waited as Katherine fished the iPhone from her lab coat’s pocket and eyed the screen. Katherine Solomon felt a wave of relief to see the name on her iPhone. At last. PETER SOLOMON â€Å"It’s a text message from my brother,†she said, glancing over at Trish. Trish looked hopeful. â€Å"So maybe we should ask him about all this . . . before we call a hacker?†Katherine eyed the redacted document on the plasma wall and heard Dr. Abaddon’s voice. That which your brother believes is hidden in D.C. . . . it can be found. Katherine had no idea what to believe anymore, and this document represented information about the far-fetched ideas with which Peter had apparently become obsessed. Katherine shook her head. â€Å"I want to know who wrote this and where it’s located. Make the call.†Trish frowned and headed for the door. Whether or not this document would be able to explain the mystery of what her brother had told Dr. Abaddon, there was at least one mystery that had been solved today. Her brother had finally learned how to use the text-messaging feature on the iPhone Katherine had given him. â€Å"And alert the media,†Katherine called after Trish. â€Å"The great Peter Solomon just sent his first text message.†In a strip-mall parking lot across the street from the SMSC, Mal’akh stood beside his limo, stretching his legs and waiting for the phone call he knew would be coming. The rain had stopped, and a winter moon had started to break through the clouds. It was the same moon that had shone down on Mal’akh through the oculus of the House of the Temple three months ago during his initiation. The world looks different tonight. As he waited, his stomach growled again. His two-day fast, although uncomfortable, was critical to his preparation. Such were the ancient ways. Soon all physical discomforts would be inconsequential. As Mal’akh stood in the cold night air, he chuckled to see that fate had deposited him, rather ironically, directly in front of a tiny church. Here, nestled between Sterling Dental and a minimart, was a tiny sanctuary. LORD’S HOUSE OF GLORY. Mal’akh gazed at the window, which displayed part of the church’s doctrinal statement: WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS CHRIST WAS BEGOTTEN BY THE HOLY SPIRIT, AND BORN OF THE VIRGIN MARY, AND IS BOTH TRUE MAN AND GOD. Mal’akh smiled. Yes, Jesus is indeed both–man and God–but a virgin birth is not the prerequisite for divinity. That is not how it happens. The ring of a cell phone cut the night air, quickening his pulse. The phone that was now ringing was Mal’akh’s own–a cheap disposable phone he had purchased yesterday. The caller ID indicated it was the call he had been anticipating. A local call, Mal’akh mused, gazing out across Silver Hill Road toward the faint moonlit outline of a zigzag roofline over the treetops. Mal’akh flipped open his phone. â€Å"This is Dr. Abaddon,†he said, tuning his voice deeper. â€Å"It’s Katherine,†the woman’s voice said. â€Å"I finally heard from my brother.†â€Å"Oh, I’m relieved. How is he?†â€Å"He’s on his way to my lab right now,†Katherine said. â€Å"In fact, he suggested you join us.†â€Å"I’m sorry?†Mal’akh feigned hesitation. â€Å"In your . . . lab?†â€Å"He must trust you deeply. He never invites anyone back there.†â€Å"I suppose maybe he thinks a visit might help our discussions, but I feel like it’s an intrusion.†â€Å"If my brother says you’re welcome, then you’re welcome. Besides, he said he has a lot to tell us both, and I’d love to get to the bottom of what’s going on.†â€Å"Very well, then. Where exactly is your lab?†â€Å"At the Smithsonian Museum Support Center. Do you know where that is?†â€Å"No,†Mal’akh said, staring across the parking lot at the complex. â€Å"I’m actually in my car right now, and I have a guidance system. What’s the address?†â€Å"Forty-two-ten Silver Hill Road.†â€Å"Okay, hold on. I’ll type it in.†Mal’akh waited for ten seconds and then said, â€Å"Ah, good news, it looks like I’m closer than I thought. The GPS says I’m only about ten minutes away.†â€Å"Great. I’ll phone the security gate and tell them you’re coming through.†â€Å"Thank you.†â€Å"I’ll see you shortly.†Mal’akh pocketed the disposable phone and looked out toward the SMSC. Was I rude to invite myself? Smiling, he now pulled out Peter Solomon’s iPhone and admired the text message he had sent Katherine several minutes earlier. Got your messages. All’s fine. Busy day. Forgot appointment with Dr. Abaddon. Sorry not to mention him sooner. Long story. Am headed to lab now. If available, have Dr. Abaddon join us inside. I trust him fully, and I have much to tell you both. –Peter Not surprisingly, Peter’s iPhone now pinged with an incoming reply from Katherine. peter, congrats on learning to text! relieved you’re okay. spoke to dr. A., and he is coming to lab. see you shortly! –k Clutching Solomon’s iPhone, Mal’akh crouched down under his limousine and wedged the phone between the front tire and the pavement. This phone had served Mal’akh well . . . but now it was time it became untraceable. He climbed behind the wheel, put the car in gear, and crept forward until he heard the sharp crack of the iPhone imploding. Mal’akh put the car back in park and stared out at the distant silhouette of the SMSC. Ten minutes. Peter Solomon’s sprawling warehouse housed over thirty million treasures, but Mal’akh had come here tonight to obliterate only the two most valuable. All of Katherine Solomon’s research. And Katherine Solomon herself. How to cite The Lost Symbol Chapter 24-25, Essay examples
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Business Research Analysis for Social Electronic - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Research Analysis for Social Electronic. Answer: Reflection report Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience This research is valuable for me as it has developed my research and technical skills. This research has developed my knowledge regarding threats and opportunities, and application of social electronic commerce in the context of Australian restaurant sectors. From the introduction chapter, I have learned that Social Electronic Commerce is a division under the electronic commercial type of business, where the shopping is exercised through websites and online media. It is analyzed that one of the key advantages of using social e-commerce is that it helps business to engage the customers as per the social behavior and buying trends (Turban, et. al., 2015). As a result, this experience is valuable for using social e-commerce practices in the corporation. Explain how this learning process will be useful to you From this research, I have also developed an understanding regarding online selling. In this way, it can be stated that there are different online social users who get attracted towards the particular brand because they are aware of the products and services (See-To, et. al., 2014). I have pointed that scaling of social e-commerce has involved in different kinds of operational aspects. As a result, I am able to enhance my professional and personal career in the future by using the social e-commerce. Through this research, I have learned that the e-commerce is a form of business which aid to connect the restaurant with the target set of customers. It is also observed that the use of social media is popular due to effective technological infrastructure within Australian nation (Qu, et. al., 2015). Consequently, it enables me to connect the people with the digital world. From the literature review, I have also observed that an impulsive attitude can be created among consumer by using social media marketing in the Australian sector. Further, this strategy can force the customers to buy the unhygienic products in food market (Nadeem, et. al., 2015). But, this strategy could be beneficial for me to sell my any products in the market through social electronic e-commerce technology. I have also learned that proper critical evaluation is required to assess the impact of social electronic commerce on Australian restaurant sector. It is a key issue of the literature review as this learning experience was beneficial to mitigate this issue in further research. From this research, social commerce is mainly focused on the integration of online vendors and aspects regarding social shopping. It also integrates virtual online groups which are created by online shoppers. In addition to this, I have observed that digital technology is improved in the 21st century because online shopping and E-commerce is flourished in all part of the society. Describe objectively what happened in the learning process I have read about the social media tools like Facebook and Twitter which is used by maximum business sector. I have seen that people post the picture of food products that they have eaten in any restaurant on their social media. As a result, this learning experience was beneficial for me to attract the more customers towards their restaurant. I have also heard about the social capital. It is an essential part of social electronic commerce which provides a network to an individual who is active users on social media. Moreover, application of social media marketing builds a favorable image in the mind of customers (Rahayu, and Day, 2015). But, at the same time, I have developed my understanding regarding the issue of social media marketing. In this way, it is analyzed that privacy of data is a major cause of SMM where data about the company can be damaged via electronic commerce. Along with this, personal data of the users may be revealed through the application of social media (Sharma , and Crossler, 2014). As a result, I am competent to focus on the disadvantages of using social electronic e-commerce. Another issue which is identified me as misleading the information. This learning experience was helpful for me to consider the different issue during the implementation of social electronic e-commerce. Evaluate what you learn The business research was helpful for me to enhance my learning in the research field. Because, it has developed my understanding regarding how to make hypothesis hence I am able to make hypothesis by using the two different variables named independent and dependent. I have also pointed that research question is categorized into two parts i.e. primary and secondary. These questions should be effective to respond the answer through research. Explain your learning process I did different activities during the research like designing and methodology of current research. In this way, it is observed that qualitative methods focus on the interview method (Savrul, et. al., 2014). However, the validity and reliability are the key functional areas of qualitative technique hence the gathered data should be confidential (Dinev, et. al., 2016). Along with this, I have chosen probability sampling method to avoid the biases from the survey. To get the reliable and valid opinion, I have selected appropriate sample size for this survey. It could be also significant to meet the research objectives in effective and efficient manner. I have also used two different variables like an independent and dependent variable to assess the relationship between them. Consequently, it will ensure me to obtain the reliable and valid information as well as, effective to complete the research successfully. Another activity that is done for me is to use the qualitative research. In this way, I have selected positivism philosophy and deductive approach due to objective nature of research topic. Along with this, I have learned that descriptive design emphasizes on the analysis of current concept and theories. For the descriptive analysis, I have used questionnaire method as a research instrument. I have also selected probability sampling method to select the participants. In this way, survey through questionnaire method is exercised to collect the quantitative data (Severi, et. al., 2014). Moreover, I have represented the gathered data by using different charts, graphs, and tables. For measuring the validity and reliability, I have avoided the biases from survey through a questionnaire. These activities were beneficial to reach the research objectives in effective and efficient manner. Explain Plan how this learning you will apply I have also used research limitation to get an accurate outcome. In this way, I have pointed that there are different research limitation named short-time framework, inadequate financial support, and some invalid journal article that have created complexities to accomplish the research objectives. I have also faced challenges because certain articles were not published hence these are discarded from gathering information. Along with this, I have also gained my understanding regarding another research limitation. In this way, it is assessed that certain journal information was not appropriate which has declined the reliability and validity of research (Hajli, 2015). This learning experience has applied by me to conduct further research in the field of research limitation. Besides this, I have used the research schedule to make blueprint about the activities that will be performed and time that will be taken by research to complete the research activities. This learning experience was beneficial for me as I can apply this in the future to become a good digital marketing manager. References Dinev, T., Albano, V., Xu, H., DAtri, A., Hart, P. (2016). Individuals Attitudes Towards Electronic Health Records: A Privacy Calculus Perspective. InAdvances in Healthcare Informatics and Analytics(pp. 19-50). Berlin: Springer International Publishing. Hajli, N. (2015). Social commerce constructs and consumer's intention to buy.International Journal of Information Management,35(2), 183-191. Nadeem, W., Andreini, D., Salo, J., Laukkanen, T. (2015). Engaging consumers online through websites and social media: A gender study of Italian Generation Y clothing consumers.International Journal of Information Management,35(4), 432-442. Qu, W. G., Pinsonneault, A., Tomiuk, D., Wang, S., Liu, Y. (2015). The impacts of social trust on open and closed B2B e-commerce: A Europe-based study.Information Management,52(2), 151-159. Rahayu, R., Day, J. (2015). Determinant factors of e-commerce adoption by SMEs in developing country: evidence from Indonesia.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,195, 142-150. Savrul, M., Incekara, A., Sener, S. (2014). The potential of e-commerce for SMEs in a globalizing business environment.Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences,150, 35-45. See-To, E. W., Ho, K. K. (2014). Value co-creation and purchase intention in social network sites: The role of electronic Word-of-Mouth and trustA theoretical analysis.Computers in Human Behavior,31, 182-189. Severi, E., Ling, K. C., Nasermoadeli, A. (2014). The impacts of electronic word of mouth on brand equity in the context of social media.International Journal of Business and Management,9(8), 84. Sharma, S., Crossler, R. E. (2014). Disclosing too much? Situational factors affecting information disclosure in social commerce environment.Electronic Commerce Research and Applications,13(5), 305-319. Turban, E., King, D., Lee, J. K., Liang, T. P., Turban, D. C. (2015).Electronic commerce: A managerial and social networks perspective. Berlin: Springer.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Nursing Patient and Self-care Deficit Essay Example
Nursing: Patient and Self-care Deficit Paper Applying Dorothea Orems Self-Care Deficit Theory To Practice Dorothea Orem developed her self-care deficit theory of nursing under three interrelated theories known as the theory of self-care, theory of self-care deficit, and theory of nursing systems. Each of these theories explains concepts of basic conditioning factors to support her general theory. Orem’s theory suggests that all individuals have a need for self-care action on a continuous basis. When self-care can no longer be performed due to injury or illness the patient develops a self-care deficit and requires the assistance of the nurse to provide quality and quantity healthcare. Orem’s interrelated theories can be applied to day to day practice on the stroke unit. The theory of self-care is the patient’s ability to perform their own self-care needs to maintain life, health, and well-being. Basic conditioning factors of self-care include age, gender, developmental state and environmental factors to name a few. Stroke patients may lose their entire ability to provide self-care depending on where the stroke occurred. Basic things such as eating or even speaking may be affected. One of the first steps taken on the floor is a bedside swallow evaluation. This is very important because it determines if oral nutrition or medications can be given. Swallowing problems can increase risk of morbidity and mortality, as well as risk of aspiration pneumonia where food or fluids pass into the airway (Morris, 2009). Patients may be unable to receive necessary treatment if they have the inability to swallow and collaboration with the doctor is needed to determine whether or not other routes for nutrition or medication administration may be used. We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing: Patient and Self-care Deficit specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing: Patient and Self-care Deficit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nursing: Patient and Self-care Deficit specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The theory of self-care deficit is the main element of Orem’s general theory. The self-care-deficit theory is acquired when individuals are unable to perform basic needs to sustain health, life and well-being. Stroke patients may only be able to use one arm, or one leg which is known as hemiparesis. The nurse is therefore needed to assist with things such as oral care and nutrition. The nurse encourages the patient to use stronger or non-affected side to eat or perform oral care. Patients want to feel independent and it’s mportant that nurses support self-care. The theory of nursing systems is how the nurse determines what the needs are of the patient. On the stroke floor nurses are constantly performing neurological checks to determine whether or not any changes have occurred or to assess for any deficits. When a patient has a deficit such as dysphagia or difficulty swallowing, nurses must assist that patient by crushing pills, making sure the patient has the proper di et and ensure the patient is always sitting upright during oral intake to prevent aspiration. Nurses are pivotal in ensuring that patients’ dysphagia needs are met and managed promptly and safely (Hughes, 2011). Dorothea Orem’s theory of self-care can be applied to clinical practice in many different ways. One area of practice Orem’s theory is used is on the stroke units as described above. Patient’s want to be independent and in charge of their own healthcare decisions. Stroke can be debilitating and patients may not be able to perform routine task such as eating or brushing teeth. Nurses must assist patient with these task and encourage patients to participate as much as possible. Nurses play a very critical role in supporting and promoting independence in patient care. Allowing patients to be independent in their self-care and assisting when patients are unable to perform tasks will create positive patient outcomes and is the basis behind Orem’s self-care deficit theory. References Hughes, S. (2011, April 2011). Management of dysphagia in stroke patients. Nursing Older People, 23(3), 21-24. Morris, H. (2009). Assessment and management of dysphagia after stroke. Assessment and management of dysphagia after stroke, 11(8), 385-388.
Friday, March 6, 2020
Dreamers in the genies lamp essays
Dreamers in the genies lamp essays For the past four years the greatest casualty has been the English language. As human beings it is our will to survive that make us thrive for information, communication is essential for our sense of safety, and thus essential for our lives to remain stable. For many of us in the united states this is a constant struggle that may never rest. Once upon a time the news was only on once a night, either you saw it or missed it. Today we have multiple channels that show nothing but news twenty four hours a day in full color, so we may remain connected without hesitation. More recently Ive noticed a certain theme that the news takes on rather than the unexpected information. Getting the facts with personal opinions attached to them seems to be more popular than the boring monotone dribble about all the facts, and by all means more lucrative. It is true that all of the news networks are owned by much larger corporations, CBS is owned by Viacom. NBC is owned by General Electric. ABC is owned by Disney. The one similarity these corporate giants share is the fact that their owned by vast numbers of wealthy white men. This simply means that a multitude of rich white men is deciding what the bulk of our countries news source can show to the public. This is an interesting thing to think about, when you consider a certain incident that took place a few years ago. Chandra Levy was missing after discovery of her romantic involvement with democratic congressmen Gary Conduit. There was no way possible to escape this story, it was non stop coverage of this vulgar scandal. There was interviews and trials and police, Gary Conduits career was left shattered and utterly hopeless. His name earns no credit anymore, many still believe it was he himself who made Chandra disappear. Her body was found after an extensive man hunt in a state park. The entire ordeal took place on television, for many weeks on end ...
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Plagiarism Among the Students Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Plagiarism Among the Students - Term Paper Example The essay "Plagiarism Among the Students" talks about the ways to reduce the chances of the submission of the plagiarized works by so that the students would use their own understanding, observation, and creativity to complete the task. Most of the students, while submitting their assignment, deliberately use plagiarized materials, so that they do not have to work the entire semester on their own. Plagiarism is when students quote material without their references and claiming their borrowed ideas as original one. Writing an essay and claiming it yours, truly demands originality. Students mostly use online websites and electronic media tools for their project and research assignments. Apart from intentional plagiarism, when students try to submit their papers more profoundly, they often mix their ideas with that of other various sources unintentionally getting involved in plagiarism. Students should acknowledge the originators’ reference and should keep in mind the ethical concerns. Using other person’s thinking and creative piece of writing is a very crucial ethical concern, whether it is taken from the internet or any other source. Particularly in the case of the internet, this problem is greater because it is easy to download the material as needed, edit and submit it. Information on the internet can be updated and modified without prior notice or that particular site, used by the student, might cease to exist later in the period, so students should deploy those sources in their assignments carefully and wisely.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Q4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Q4 - Essay Example When some partners do not avail essential information for use in the measurement of ROI, the process becomes more complex. This is an issue that mainly affects the inter-organizational systems whose returns are not quantifiable (Jones and Price, 2004). The human resources involved in data collection may not be competent in some organizations. The inconsistency of data in different partners is a major drawback for the process of ROI measurement. On the other hand, the complex models applied in the measurement and the formulas in some cases are puzzling to the human resources, thereby making it impossible to come up with perfect results. This problem occurs due to lack of user friendly methods of measuring ROI. Garware Polyester Ltd. is among the organizations that have failed in the measurement of ROI in inter-organizational systems implementation. In this case, the problem was the fact that information systems provide both tangible and intangible benefits, and it impossible to accura tely provide data for the intangible gains (Parr and Shanks, 2000). 2. What are the major services offered by IS service providers in the customization of inter-organizational IS implementations? Please provide examples from your organization or an organization you are familiar. Customization involves setting up of the new software in the organizations so that the parameters so that they can match the requirements of the business. In an inter-organizational IS implementation, the presence of the IS service provider is important to ensure that the systems are user friendly. After customization that requires highly specialized skills, the IS providers, for example Allied Learning Solutions presents the users of the IS with software that assists them in learning (Nebraska and Fox, 2003). This is important in ensuring that the human resources in
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Travel industry in Pakistan tourism
Travel industry in Pakistan tourism Introduction and Background of the Research The Travel Industry in Pakistan is undergoing a period of drastic changes. Customer demands and loyalty levels are changing every season with competitive packages being offered by the travel management companies to stay in the business. Also to compete with the International travel industry, local companies have to be at par and offer excellent services and rates. The industry is all about enabling customers to build mutual relationships with their clients and to give them the means with which they can maximize the benefit of every idea or initiative effortlessly across their clients. The travel sector has been categorized as Inbound and Outbound Travel. Inbound travel refers to the people who wish to travel to Pakistan where as Outbound travel refers to the people wishing to travel abroad. If a person travels to some foreign land it is included in Outbound Travel and if the same person returns to Pakistan, it will be characterized as Inbound Travel. Considering the economic and political conditions of Pakistan, there has always been disparity between outbound and inbound travel. This is also because of the Non Returning Pakistanis who wish to pursue their careers outside Pakistan and after certain time, call their families abroad. The Travel Sector has always been focusing on outbound travel because of the adequate infrastructure provided by other destinations such as Far East, Middle East and Europe. The sector in Pakistan has also been a victim of lack of support by the government despite the growing number of travel management companies in Pakistan. An independent report by World Economic forums Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report 2008 (TTCR) suggested that tourism facilities remained unsatisfactory in Pakistan. Due to the absence of world class tourism facilities, Pakistan is constantly being put on the back foot when it comes to tourism promotion. In addition to a poor tourism infrastructure, the country also lacks standard and competitive hotel rooms at popular tourism sites. The TTCR ranked Pakistan at number 110 out of 124 countries, when it came to provision of standard and competitive hotel rooms. (Euro Monitor, 2009) According to the Members List posted on the TAAP (Travel agents association of Pakistan) currently there are over 700 travel agents working across the country that have been categorized as: Figure 1.1: Distribution of Travel Management Companies in Pakistan (TAAP, 2009) Travel may be broadly classified in three different categories worldwide and the same classification applies to Pakistan as well. Travelling for business purposes, these include personnel from companies travelling for varying needs including training and development, Business development etc. Travelling for leisure activities, these would include either travelling to meet relatives aboard or travelling to different countries for the sake of entertainment. The third and the most popular segment in Pakistan at the moment is the religious segment, this would include people travelling for the purpose of religious pilgrimages (Hajj, Umrah, Ziarat etc) There are several travel management companies working in Karachi and most of them provide services to all the three segments, but there are certain others who specialize in single segment only with their major focus being towards providing services to the corporate sector. In this era travel agencies are not only providing its customers with tickets for their travel, but they are working towards creating an overall experience for their clients and these include it from the other. These leaders in the travel business have been serving customers with a variety of travel products and services and catering to their daily, seasonal and corporate needs. The industry has diversified from normal ticketing to packages (domestic and international), Visa facilitation, Cars and Campers vans, Cruise packages across Pacific and Atlantic oceans, Meetings-Incentives-Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE), Rail packages and even Call Centres. Because of their extensive approach to serve the travel industry, leaders or the so called travel-pundits have now been able to serve in multiple cities in Pakistan and even abroad. Some of them have also started 24 hours office with day and night shifts to cater to their customers 24/7. Travel market has expanded globally and even these travel pundits in Pakistan and specially Karachi are able to cater to corporate accounts globally with the ease of online ticketing and payment settlement done online. Another aspect which the local market i s catering is handling accounts of international travel agencies through local call centers in Karachi due to availability of cheap labor and savings they can make. Travel industry in Pakistan still has a long way to grow which has been slow due to political and economic instability in the country, however, the travel gurus have been making day night efforts to explore more opportunities and line up a growing pace for the industry. Objectives and scope of the Research The Corporate, Leisure and Religious travel segments are the three main areas of operations in the Travel segment. Since our Pakistani consumers are still not comfortable with the concept of e-ticketing and are still in the phase of adapting to paper less tickets, the operations of Travel Management Companies are still preferred by the masses. Our consumers still rely on Travel Management Companies to map out their itineraries and have loyalty levels associated with certain agencies. Several packages are offered by Travel Management Companies in Karachi for the corporate, leisure and religious travel segments. There are companies that specialize in a certain segment as well. The growing competition and influx of Travel Management Companies in Karachi necessitates their analysis in terms of their marketing mix and current practices in order to differentiate the services offered by them, retain old customers and attract new ones. Travelers who prefer to leave the job of ticketing and travel mapping to the specialists in the field lay emphasis on the company that would give them the best possible rates with the most services. In order to decipher consumers preferences and criteria behind selecting a travel management company, we intend to incorporate this in our thesis as one of the areas of research and will try to gather reasons accruing to this selection. The success factors behind leading players in the industry will be sought and a comparative analysis of their practices and packages offered will also be conducted. The scope of the research is specifically based in Karachi, Pakistan. Due to time constraints and traveling issues, all the interviews and surveys of consumers and the travel management companies will be conducted in Karachi only. Problem Definition and Research Questions Worldwide travel management companies have been doing well for over two decades. The growth of travel agency bookings has outperformed the growth in airline traffic in the first half of 2010. Although in 2009; there was a rise in internet bookings as cost savings topped the priority list for travelers. (Jones, 2010) In Pakistan, the prevailing trend depicts a rise in the advent of travel management companies. The reasons normally accrued to this rise is the preference of travelers to rely on travel management companies to set their itineraries in the most cost effective and convenient way. In todays environment, travel management companies need every advantage to compete with pressure from mega-agencies, online travel companies and regional players, especially as competition intensifies and economic conditions continue to falter. With the web breaking distance barriers between countries and making information available to all via just a click, travel services for business, leisure and religious travel have pressed travel management companies for the best possible options. Overall business travel transactions processed by members of the UKs Guild of Travel Management Companies grew by 12 percent year-over-year in the six months through June 2010. (GTMC, 2010) Leisure travel has also witnesses a rise following the post recession stage and leisure travel is expected to be more profitable than corporate travel. (World Travel Market, 2010) Till date very little research has been done on the travel industry in Pakistan. In our thesis we would explore the various factors that have lead to the success of few out of the so many established in the country in the light of the different segments of travel services that are provided. We would also be examining the services offered by these companies in order to have a comprehensive picture of the industrys success factor. Hence our research problem is: To explore the success factors of leading travel management companies in Karachi. Some of the research questions that we would try to explore are: What are the variables driving success for the travel industry? What are the 7Ps of the travel management companies? What attributes do consumers consider while opting for a travel management company? Who are the major players in the leisure, religious and corporate travel categories? What can travel management agencies do to further improve the travel management practices? Research Methodology The research methodology that will be used is divided into two phases, primary and secondary. The research would include both, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, based mostly on primary data collection. In the first phase we will determine the top travel management companies based on their number of customers and other International key success factors. Once the top 5 players are identified, the second phase will begin in which we will be finding out customer perception of travel agents and their packages through questionnaires. Secondary Research will be conducted to find out the various packages and services being offered by the travel management agencies. Comparative analysis will be done for various travel management companies on the basis of their offerings. Sampling will be done on the basis of quota sampling. 20 travel agencies will be approached and the top 5 travel management agencies will be selected based on the number of customers they cater for. Limitations of the Research The limitation of the study can be firstly accrued to its scope being confined to Karachi and hence may not be reflective of the services being offered by travel management companies across the country. The scenarios witnessed by the 5 key travel agents from Karachi might not be reflective of the market. As travel sector is not a listed in any of the stock exchange, it will be difficult to extract authentic details from travel management companies and information given by the agencies will have to be relied upon. In order to keep the research free from any sort of biasness, use of reliable research studies and data provided by the authorities with relevant facts and experts opinions will be provided to defend our reasoning. CHAPTER TWO An Introduction to Travel Management Companies Heathrow International Travel defines a travel management, as means to meeting the demands and expectations of travelers, be it individuals or part of a group. Further elaboration by the travel industry dictionary states that travel agent is any person who sells travel products on a commission basis or who meets certain minimum qualifications, which can vary widely according to those who uses the term or sets the standards. (Travel Industry Glossary, 2007) Laurie Lico Ablanese, teacher and author at Vagner College, U.S, defines the job of a travel agent as a person who can perform one or more of the following functions that can be characterized as that of a travel consultant, tour organizer, small business executive, or travel guide. (Albanese, 2010) Travel agents may choose to become certified by the Institute of Certified Travel Agents (ICTA) for which they require a minimum of 18 months of experience as an agent, along with a complete 12 course program. There are various other certifications that travel agents acquire in order to gain more expertise, the most famous certification being that from IATA. These certifications are a key criteria for travel management companies operating worldwide as they assist travelers in selecting an authentic company for their travel requirements. For corporate, religious and leisure travel management agencies, certification from International Air Travel Association (IATA) is mandatory as it certifies your identity throughout the world. Each agent is given a distinguished code which enables the agent to be tracked anywhere in the world. The various other certifications include the following: United Federation of Travel Agents Association (UFTAA): UFTAA represents national travel agents associations in a significant number of countries. It remains the most prominent body representing the interests of travel agents worldwide and enjoys consultative status with the United Nattions. Its membership also includes a large group of Travel Partners, including major airlines, hotels, tourism boards, shipping companies, car rental companies and many other operators allied to the tourist industry. UFTAA is essential for corporate travel segment. World Tourism Organization (WTO ): WTO, not to be confused with the World Trade Organization, serves as a global forum for tourism policy issues. Based in Madrid, WTO is entrusted by the United Nations to help countries maximize the positive impacts of tourism, such as job creation, infrastructure development and foreign exchange earnings, while at the same time minimizing negative environmental or social impacts. Representatives covering Africa, the Americas, East Asia and the Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and South Asia are responsible for overseeing specific projects and working. Their key emphasis is on leisure travel. World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC): Founded in 1990 with support from American Express, WTTC is a high-level private sector-only lobbying group whose membership comprises Chief Executives of multinational accommodation, catering, cruises, entertainment, recreation, transportation, and other travel-related companies. WTTCs mission is to raise the awareness of the full economic impact of the Travel and Tourism industry. International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IH RA): Officially recognized by the United Nations, IH RA represents the interests of the worlds hotels and restaurants. Members include hotel and restaurants operators, corporate hotel executives national hospitality association, hotel schools, and suppliers to the hospitality industry. The association is responsible for lobbying international policy, making bodies to resist regulations that could damage their business, estimated to comprise 300,000 hotels and 8 million restaurants. Pacific Asia Travels Association (PATA): Founded in 1951, PATA is the dominant industry association in one of the worlds most popular Travel and Tourism region. Based in Bangkok, its membership includes nearly 100 government, states, and city tourism bodies, 76 airlines and cruise lines, some 2000 companies and organization, and 17,000 individuals in 78 Chapters worldwide. Its programmers and designed to help members enhance their competitive edge through research and marketing services, product development and educational seminars and workshops. International Airline Passenger Association (IAPA): With over 400,000 members around the world, IAPAs main goal is to represent the views of travelers who fly often, by speaking out on safety and health issues related to flying. One area in which IAPA has made efforts is the improvement of aircraft cabin air quality. It also offers members discounts on hotels worldwide, savings on car rental, comprehensive travel insurance, and other benefits. (Insight, 2009) All travel agencies in Pakistan are subject to the local rules and regulations filed under the Ministry of Tourism and Culture at Federal Level and Department and Tourist Services at provincial level. A travel agency cannot operate without a valid license issued by the Department of Tourist Services (DTS). A license issued is subject to many requirements such as competent staff, financially sound management and location suitable for public dealing. A Bank guarantee is furnished to Department of Tourist Services after final inspection and then a license is issued to operate the travel agency. The license is valid for one year from the date of issue and has to be renewed after the expiry date. These are separate from the certifications they need to register for International traveling. Specialization of Travel Management Companies Travel agencies have been regarded as critical information, planning and booking providers for a large number of travelers (Duke Persia 1993; Mihalik, Uysal Pan 1995). Travel products provided by travel management companies include air ticketing, visa facilitation, worldwide hotel reservations, worldwide car rental reservations, travel insurance, airport meet and assist service, rail, bus tickets and MICE (Meeting, incentives, conventions, and exhibitions). (Oasis Travels, 2010) These products vary from one travel Management Company to another depending on their expertise and the market they operate in; these are further classified according to the sectors in which they specialize. Travel management agencies have opted for specialization in various fields including corporate, personal, event, leisure or school travel. Corporate Travel Business travel is a highly valuable part of the travel and tourism industry. Not only does it continue to grow, but also average spending by business travel customers is higher than in the retail sector. Travel agencies are inclined towards the corporate sector because of various reasons, major ones being the following High quality, high yield (earns more revenue) part of travel and tourism Year-round sector means more full-time jobs More shock-proofed against downturns or disasters Investment can regenerate urban areas. (Business Travel Operation, 2008) Companies usually arrange the corporate travel on various occasions major ones being conferences and meeting, exhibition, and trade fairs, incentive travel, corporate events and outdoor events. The revenue from each of these occasions is different but according to a tourism department of UK the major contributor of revenue in the corporate sector is when company personnel travel for meetings and conferences and as per an estimate for the year 2003 meeting and conference, related travel has amounted for around  £7 billion. (Weaver, Han, 2008) Conferences and meetings are worth over  £7 billion in 2003. This part of the sector includes sales conferences, management meetings, annual general meetings, training courses, business presentations and product launches. The market for exhibitions and trade fairs is worth over  £2 billion per year, trade exhibitions are for buyers and sellers in specific trade sectors. Incentive travel is used by organisations to motivate their staff. They are usually offered in industries with high profit margins such as cars and financial services. Incentive travel is used by organisations to motivate their staff. Corporate events include staff and client entertainment. Sporting occasions are the most popular for corporate events. Close links exist between corporate events segment and the contract catering industry. Its market worth between  £700 million and  £1 billion per year. (Bized, 2008) Religious Travel Religious travel now a day is a very comprehensive and expansive terms, previously it was only used to account for the travel that is done for the purpose of religious pilgrimages but today the concept of religious travel has primarily centered on the notion of pilgrimage. Although this type of journey remains at the heart of religious travel in many ways, it is no longer the sole form or reference point The growing religious tourism sector is currently valued at US$18 billion per year with Hajj pilgrimage, Palestine, Jordan, Iran and other Middle Eastern destinations identified as top draws for religious travel. With more than 300 million global travelers annually, the faith-based travel and hospitality market provides destination management organizations, wholesalers, suppliers, and travel agents unprecedented opportunities for new business avenues and clientele. Today, religious travel and hospitality is defined by, Travel to a religious destination, (Travelling to a religious destination is the most common and traditional meaning of the phrase religious travel. It may be right to attribute the success of this form of travel to all the major religions of the world. The word that has been associated with religious travel is pilgrimage.) Travel to a religious gathering (. People of various faith and disciplines have been travelling and gathering for religious purpose and celebrations.), Travel with a missionary and/or humanitarian intent and Travel with a fellowship intent. (Most short-term mission trips typically last from seven to 14 days. Volunteer vacations are a related form of missionary travel) (World Religious Travel Association, 2010) According toaccording to prep. 1. As stated or indicated by; on the authority of: according to historians. 2. In keeping with: according to instructions. 3. .. Click the link for more information. Kevin J Wright, president of the World Religious Travel Association (WRTA WRTA Worcester Regional Transit Authority (Massachusetts) WRTA World Religious Travel Association WRTA Western Regional Transmission Association WRTA Western Reserve Transit Authority (Northeast Ohio) ), specialist travel providers need to develop the best possible travel experiences to leverage income from the three billion people around the world who trace their religious roots and faiths to the Middle East. Religious tourism is recognized as one of the most resilient markets in the travel industry, said Wright, who will be conducting a seminar entitled `The New Era of Religious Tourism` at Arabian Travel Market the Middle East`s premier travel and tourism event to be held in May in Dubai. Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabia (sà ¤`dÄâ€Å" Éâ„ ¢rÄ `bÄâ€Å"Éâ„ ¢, sou`-, sà ´-), officially Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, kingdom (2005 est. pop. .. Click the link for more information. is the market`s primary driver, with the Islamic Hajj hajj (hà ¤j), the pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, one of the five basic requirements (arkan or pillars) of Islam. Its annual observance corresponds to the major holy day id al-adha,  and Umrah  The Umrah or (Arabic: Ø ¹Ãƒâ„¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ±ÃƒËœÃ‚ © ) is a pilgrimage to Mecca performed by Muslims that can be undertaken at any time of the year.  pilgrimages seeing the Kingdom receive over six million worshipers annually. The religious tourism industry in Saudi Arabia alone generates an estimated $7 billion annually and with the market expecting 20 percent growth in the coming years, tour operators, hotels and airlines are already tailoring products to tap into the religious market. Pilgrimages are not the sole driver of the religious market anymore and people of faith are increasingly seeking greater quality travel experiences across the full spectrum of sub-sectors whic h drive the industry, Wright said. Mark Walsh For details of the dart player, Mark Walsh, please see Mark Walsh (Dart player) Mark Walsh is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and political activist. .. Click the link for more information., Group Exhibition Director, Reed Travel Exhibitions organizer of Arabian Travel Market, which takes place from May 5 8, 2009, at the Dubai International Convention Exhibition Centre said the need to examine robust tourism revenue streams would be critical in ensuring the industry weathers the current economic downturn. Our industry is changing and tour operators and travel companies need to examine alternative business avenues to increase profits during these challenging times. The religious tourism market is one such possibility and remains extremely relevant to Middle East based operations. Through these informed discussion sessions, exhibitors and visitors alike can better understand the business potential available to them. According to Wright, Jordan and Palestine are huge growth markets. Ninety-five percent of tourism in Palestine is religion-based, while Jordan is targeting tourism revenues of up to $2.4 billion, per year, by 2010 over 60 percent higher than income generated in 2007, he said. Iraq is also emerging as a serious player in the sector. Areas of religious significance, such as Najaf home of the sacred shrine of the son-in-law of Prophet Mohammad already welcomes eight million pilgrims a year, but a new airport will increase inbound in ·bound 1  adj. Bound inward; incoming: inbound commuter traffic. Adj. 1. inbound  capacity to over 20 million. Citing Abu Dhabi Abu Dhabi (à ¤`b thà ¤`bÄâ€Å", zà ¤-, dà ¤-), Arab. Abu Zabi, sheikhdom (1995 pop. 928,360), c.  as an example of how feeder destinations can benefit from mass pilgrimages to Saudi, Iraq and other holy sites, Wright added: Abu Dhabi International AirportAbu Dhabi International Airport (Arabic: Ù†¦ÃƒËœÃ‚ ·ÃƒËœÃƒËœÃ‚ ± Ø £ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ø ¸ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¨Ãƒâ„¢Ã… Øلؠ¯Ãƒâ„¢Ã‹â€ Ù„ÙÅ ) (IATA: AUH, ICAO: OMAA .. Click the link for more information. handled nearly 15,000 Hajjes last year, which increased its passenger traffic rates to Saudi Arabia by 34.5 percent the potential for everyone in the region to benefit is astoundinga ·stound  tr.v. a ·stound ·ed, a ·stound ·ing, a ·stounds To astonish and bewilder. See Synonyms at surprise. [From Middle English astoned, past participle of astonen, .. Click the link for more information.. (Mojnews Agency, 2009) Leisure Travel Leisure travel may be defined as travel that is undertaken for pleasure and personal purposes. The World Tourism Organization reports top ten countries as the most visited from 2006 to 2009 by the number of international travelers. When compared to 2006, Ukraine entered the top ten lists, surpassing Russia, Austria and Mexico, and in 2008, surpassed Germany. In 2008, the U.S. displaced Spain from the second place. Most of the top visited countries continue to be on the European continent, followed by a growing number of Asian countries. In 2009, Malaysia made it into the top 10 most visited countries list. Malaysia secured the ninth position, just below Turkey and Germany. In 2008, Malaysia was in the eleventh position. Both Turkey and Germany climbed one rank in arrivals, occupying seventh and eighth positions respectively, while France continued to lead the ranks in terms of tourist arrivals. (UNWTO, 2009). USA earns the most revenue from leisure travel amounting to around $ 94.2 billion in the year 2009, followed by Spain with $53.2 billion, France and Italy with annual revenue of around $48.2 billion and $40.1 billion respectively. The other destinations that made it to the top ten lists include Chine, Germany UK, Australia, Turkey and Austria. It may be noticed in that the major income to the travel management companies in the leisure sector is through travelers traveling to the European Continent, as out of the 10 most visited countries seven are from the European Continent (WTO, 2009) Key Performance Indicators for the Travel Industry Key Performance Indicators an Overview According to the KPI Library, Key Performance Indicators are measures of business performance; also known as business or performance metrics, measures, ratios or simply performance indicators. These performance indicators can vary from company to company and from industry to industry. The key performance indicators for the Travel Management Companies can be ascertained by exploring the issues like price wars, safety and security issues, passenger demands and availability of information. These may also include supply chain information, inventory information, package tracking, flight/travel activities, and passenger details with preferences. Integration of key information and emphasis on customer loyalty also plays an important role in the success of transportation and travel industry. (Gala, 2009) Given the high number of variables in the travel booking process, each travel agent has their own preferred way of doing things. A few KPIs, which you can be useful as a starting point and to trigger further thought as per MAIA Intelligence India, are: Specifications for service delivery requirements: Response times to enquiries Ticket delivery arrangements Hours of service and out of hours arrangements Payment methodology Variety of packages provided Financial Perspective: Quantification of Financial aspect can be measured using the parameters like operating profit, % increase in planned sales, actual sales step-up ratio and % increase in travel and entertainment cost. Customer Services and Satisfaction Perspective: Customer Services and satisfaction can be taken care of by employing metrics number of ancillary facilities, favorable review index, % increase in customer base and look/book index. Internal Operations Perspective: Internal Operations can be known with number of booking channels, abroad to local bookings ratio and packaged to independent bookings ratio. Business Planning and Growth Perspective: Business planning and growth perspective can be gathered by assigning values to ticked delivery standards, disaster recovery planning effectiveness, % increase in number of tour packages sold and number of staff retention initiatives taken. (MAIA,2009) Based on the key performance indicators and analysis of success accruing to travel management companies worldwide, the success factors for the travel management companies in Karachi can be evaluated. Consumer Preference of Travel Management Companies Abroad According to a report by the Hong Kong Consumer Council (1998), Travel agents in Hong Kong have faced difficult times because of increasing customer demands and internal competition in the industry. Complaints against travel agencies had increased by 12.4% for the year 1996/97, as compared with the previous year. The purpose of the study was to assess customers expectations and perceptions of service provided by travel agents, and to explore how the service factors derived from the factor analysis were related to overall customer satisfaction. The results of the study as verified by an article published by Vincent C.S. Heung, Department of Hotel and Tourism Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, showed that customers perceptions of service quality revolved around the availability of All Inclusive Package Tours. Out of a total of 183 Hong Kong consumers who were surveyed and asked to rate 29 attributes that might affect their choice of travel agency for all-inclusive package tours, the results showed that of the 29 attributes, agency reputation was rated as the most important attribute in travel agency selection, followed by word-of-mouth communication and staff attitude. (Heung, 2000). In Karachi, since the total number of travel management companies operating are 245, heavy competition exists and agency reputation might b
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